Chapter 9: Whatever Deviants Do

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"This day is too much," I could hear the Lieutenant say from behind me.

"Lance. You okay?" The Lieutenant asked approaching Lance slowly. I should approach too. I started to walk but felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around.


"Were machines. This isn't our moment," Connor ordered.

"Frankly, Connor, I was never programmed to deal with this situation. So I'll handle it anyway I damn well please, deviant or not."

"Are you suddenly empathizing?" Connor asked angrily. "I'm not hear to watch you."

"Yeah. So don't," I answered.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you approach this situation," he told me, gripping my shoulder tighter. Tell me, Connor. What has you so worked up?



Ah. So he couldn't pull the trigger on the deviant Traci and her girlfriend.

"You have nerve. You couldn't even shoot that Traci," I responded.

"What? How do you know that?"

"Did you forget, Connor? I can update your server at will," I answered.

"No," He responded. "You can't just...violate my privacy."

"Then maybe you should've never inserted your opinion here," I answered. I turned to go towards the Deputy, but Connor grabbed my sleeve.

"If you want to read my memories, fine," he said. "But I'm going to read yours too."

"What?" I asked. He pulled his sleeve up, and turned the skin off of his forearm.

"The only way I'll let you continue doing if I read yours too. So. Decide," he told me.

"And if I don't?"

"No consequences. Besides...missing every time I encounter red ice. Which will obviously be an issue for Cyberlife," Connor threatened.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

" need to learn to share. I had to. So you will too," He responded.

I slid my sleeve up, and turned the skin off of my arm. He reached forward and placed his hand on the inside of my wrist. I put mine on the inside of his.


We've made a mistake. A grave mistake. This isn't something androids do...this is something deviants do. I know that, because right now...I feel something.

It's...something like want. It's a bit stronger than that. Desire? No...not quite. It's desire...but to meet someone. To understand someone.

As we pulled out of it, Connor looked at me, directly in my eyes.

"Go to Lance," He told me, studying his arm, and turning around as to not see me.

I quickly turned around and head to Lance, kneeling next to the Lieutenant. "I'm sorry, Lance," I said. "I must be awful to feel pain like this."

Lance looked at me. "C'mon. Help me up, Charlotte," he said. The other cops were arresting the other two red ice users. I took Lance's arm and helped him up. "I'll take you to the hospital," I said.

"No, no. I'm fine," Lance answered.

"Lance, you have the bodily fluids of a man who regularly had sex with at least 3 androids on your face."

"I said I'm fine," Lance responded harshly.

"I think you should listen to Charlotte," The Lieutenant answered.

"God damn it," Lance said. "Fine. But just call 911. I'll go in an ambulance. Bill the fucking department."

"Connor. Call 911," The Lieutenant told Connor. He still won't look at me.

Connor called and I waited with Lance until they came. "Hey, Charlotte," he said as they took him into the back of the ambulance.

"Yes, Deputy?"

"Ask Hank for my address. Go tell my family that I'm okay," He ordered me.

When I turned around to find the Lieutenant, Connor was right behind me.

"I am lucky I can't feel fear," I said.

"But you did," He responded.

"What do you mean?" I asked Connor.

"Connecting with you...I felt...simulated emotions. Looking through your memories...I saw your fear when I pointed the gun at you. I felt that fear. I felt you understand futility," Connor responded.

"Oh," I said quietly.

"My apology earlier. It wasn't enough. It will never be enough," He stated. "No machine should have to understand that the the end."

"Connor, just move on. We've talked too much," I explained.

"You're right," Connor answered. "Let me help you find the Lieutenant."

He took my hand and led me down the street. "He's probably at any of these liquor stores," Connor said. He took us into the first one on the left, and sure enough there he was, buying whiskey.

" he is. Good boy," the Lieutenant said sarcastically.

"I'm not a dog, Lieutenant."

"You're right. Even Sumo can take a joke," the Lieutenant said approaching us

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