Chapter 39: This is What Deviants Do

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"Well done, you two," she said calmly. "You succeeded in locating Jericho, and find their leader. Now deal with Markus. We need it alive."

We were quickly disconnected, and Connor instantly pulled out his gun. I did the same as we prepared to enter the guard tower.

Mission updating...

Stop Markus

"We've been ordered to take you alive," Connor announced as we entered the hide out. "But we won't hesitate to shoot if you give us no choice."

Connor aimed his gun at Markus, and I did the same. "Either choice ends the chaos," I explained. Markus looked at us.

"What are you two doing?" he asked, slowly approaching. "You're one of us. You can't betray your own people."

My own people. No. Deviants. They aren't people. They're errors in programming.

"Stop right there!" I yelled.

"You're coming with us!" Connor responded.

"You're Connor, the famous deviant hunter. And you're Charlotte, his infamous to-be partner. Well, congratulations. You seem to have found what you're looking for," Markus said. "But both of you are nothing to them. Just a tool to do their dirty work. But you're more than that. We're all more than that."


What do you mean 'software instability?' I finally noticed that the deviant leader was approaching us.

"Stay back!" I yelled. Connor fired a warning shot.

"Do you two really never have any doubts? Never done something irrational, as if there's something inside of you? Something more than you're program."

Of course I have! Everyone has! Haven't they?


"Have you never wondered who you really are?" Markus continued. "Whether you're just a machine executing a program or...a living being. Capable of reason. I think the time has come for you to ask yourself that question."

I have. I can't just be a machine. All of these relationships. All of these people I don't want to lose. Everyone. Machines don't just execute programs that make them care for people. That...that is not a program.

Markus seemed like he was just inches away now. My anxiety was peaking.

"It's time to decide," Markus ordered.

I become a deviant.

I froze as the matrix of my programming came up. A visualized wall, if you will. I went to press up against it...but it wouldn't budge. I shoved myself into it. Nothing. I threw myself against it. Nothing. Not a crack, not a movement.

I can't become a deviant. I can't. No matter how hard I try, I can't break my programming. As I come to reality again, I realize that Connor has put his gun down, and looks distraught. a deviant. Yet, I'm still here. My mission is still to take Markus alive.

Connor turned to me, and Markus stared, as I still had my gun on Markus.

"Connor. You have to help me," I spoke aloud.

Connor looked at me. "You can't become deviant, can you?" he asked, calmly.

"No," I said. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I can't even express emotions anymore.

"Here. Give me your arm," he told me. I could do that. I put my gun away, and gave my arm over.





Connor looked at me, confused. "Charlotte," he whispered.

"I have to continue on my mission," I said, reaching for my gun again. That's not me though! I don't want my gun in my hands! I don't want to continue on my mission.

"We can't trust her if she's not a deviant," Markus said, rushing towards me, extending his own arm.







Markus looked at me confused. "I have an idea," Connor said calmly. "Charlotte, do you still have the mission to hunt Red Ice dealers?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Prioritize that one," Connor ordered me. "She's no longer a threat."

I reprioritized my missions, and was finally able to have control again. I put my weapon away. Markus looked at Connor. "If she does anything..." he threatened.

"It won't matter anyway," Connor said, realizing something. "They're going to attack Jericho."

"What?" Markus asked aggressively. We heard the noise of helicopters over head.

"We have to get out of here," Connor announced.

"Shit..." Markus mumbled. We all ran quickly out of the guard tower, down to the lower levels. We could hear gun fire. They military is advancing on our positions. We finally collided with North.

"They're coming from all sides! Our people are trapped in the hold, they're gonna be slaughtered!" She yelled. Well...isn't that a shame.

"There are exits on the second and third floor. Find them and jump in the river," Markus said via intercom to his people.

"We have to blow up Jericho," Markus said anxiously. "If the ships go down, they'll evacuate and our people can escape."

"You'll never make it!" North replied. "The explosives are all the way down in the hold, there are soldiers everywhere!"

"She's right," Connor answered. "They know who you are. They'll do anything to get you!"

"Go and help the others," Markus ordered. "I'll go and join you later."

"Markus..." North begged.

"I won't be long!" Markus yelled, running off straight forwards. Connor grabbed my hand and pulled me in the opposite direction. The ship was in chaos, and it's not surprising with all the deviants running around. Wait. No. I wouldn't think that. I wouldn't. I would think that the deviants are the problem. No! I wouldn't! I really think that it's the soldiers faults! Finally! Not even my thoughts are safe from Cyberlife's control.

Near immediately we ran into a set of soldiers. I took out my gun, but couldn't fire at them My finger wouldn't even pull the trigger. Instead, I handed it to North, who took care of them for me. She looked a bit confused after.

"I'm not a good shot," I said. She just looked more confused.

"It's nothing," Connor defended. We began running again, pushing past more soldiers, until minutes later Markus met up with us again. We all began running as group, and I was able to note the name of the other androids, Josh. As we were about to leave, North got shot. Markus, of course, immediately pushed through the bullet fire just to save her.

Maybe...Androids really can feel love.

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