Chapter 80 - Mom's Divorce

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Reading the case was less than inspirational, but something about it gets you interested. Maybe it's the serial murder or the buddy cop emotions it gives me. Maybe it's even the comedy of the situation. Terrible tattoos that might as well be kindergartner macaroni art stitched poorly onto dead bodies. It's a bit macabre, isn't it?

Reading the cases and analyzing them is two very different things. Something tells me that Gavin was doing more of the former than the latter, which all means fine, but that's why we have androids. Clerical work is so much easier when a silly machine does it for you. 

Pulling myself together, I quickly analyzed the first case, which is the new one in fact. Again, a man who never used red ice, overdosed. It's still an escalation, but the murders are too far apart to mean that he's getting more chaotic. A serial killer with a mental fortitude, it seems. If we managed to connect this to one man, however, he would be one of the worst serial killers ever. Upwards of 20 victims puts you beyond Jeffery Dahmer. Well...hold on. Is this a slightly homoerotic case? All the victims are male...

"Hey, Nick?" I asked. He looked up. "Maybe...there is a bit of homoerotic tension in this case?"

Nick sat for a moment, a bit unconvinced. That was until he took a moment. He suddenly looked at all of his cases and turned to me. "Yes...I could see that."

"Maybe...we need to head undercover at a gay club?" I offered. Nick looked at me confused. 

"Oh, yeah. They're going to let me in. I'm so old," Nick said sighing. 

"You are so fucking not," I answered. Nick looked incredibly shocked. I think it must be more at himself than anything really. 

"Listen, I can be hot, and incredibly fashionable-"

"Going to stop you right there. Mentally cosplaying Steve Jobs, and wearing the same damn outfit every day is not fashionable."

"Uh, I look damn good in it," Nick asserted. As if they knew Nick and I had just had a breakthrough, in came the homicide department. 

Also known as Connor and Hank. There might be a few more, but do I really care about them? No. 

Connor smiled as he saw me, and how incredibly thankful was I to remember that his desk was right behind Nick. I mean, even looking at the back of someone's head is looking at them. Connor walked towards me, and when he got to the desk, kneeled down to my level.

"Tonight. 7:00?" He offered.

"7:00," I answered. 

"Amazing," He said, standing up and moving back to his desk.

"I would call that charisma, but I think you two just really like each other," Hank said, smiling a bit. 

"And charisma," I said aloud.

"Oh. Yeah. That blue-blooded, android charisma," Nick answered, searching through the files.

"Is that the fucking serial killer case that you've been working on for years now?" Hank asked, groaning and standing up.

"Yeah. It was a pet project for a year or two, but I've really managed to turn it around with Bolts over here."

"Does turning it around mean making the same amount of progress as before?" Connor asked sarcastically.

"Okay. Says the android who didn't figure out where Jericho was until like 20 minutes before he needed to be there."

"Is that what I've missed?" I asked confused. "Everyone arguing?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Nick answered.

"I'm not into it," I answered. 

"Yeah, I don't know how much I am enjoying being reminded of my divorce," Hank responded.

"Tell me I'm the ex-wife," Nick answered.

"Connor is obviously the ex-wife, Nick," I answered.  

"You're not into it until you can make a quippy one-liner about me. Of course," Connor sighed. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Nick stood up and approached Hank holding two files. 

"I need a homicide detective's viewpoint on this," Nick said. 

"Almost like that's my fucking job," Hank complained.

"Do it then," Nick complained back.

"What am I lookin at, kid?" Hank answered, smirking a bit. Truly, I wondered how Nick and Connor managed to get Hank's respect in two very different manners. Nick is sassy, irritating, and furiously himself. Connor on the other hand, deeply thinks through his answers to the Lieutenant, while still maintaining speed in his answers. He's always prepared to provide a quick answer that the Lieutenant respects. 

I truly love this family...even if dad and mom are divorced.

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