Chapter 59 - Christmas - Part 3

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I knocked once and heard a deep sigh. "Come in," Markus called, much more harshly this time.

I walked in and he turned around irritated, but immediately brightened up. "Oh. It's you. Good. Good!" He cheered excitedly. "I needed one of you Lances," he said running over to me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the painting he was working on.

"What do you think?" He asked, gesturing to it. It was 75% done, with a human hand, grabbing an android hand. The android hand was covered in blue blood, and the human hand was covered in human blood.

"It's nice!" I cheered. In truth, I found the painting a bit cliché. As if we didn't know how bloody the revolution would be, and as though we hadn't been reminded enough. This painting seemed to be nothing more than another reminder. Except...with Markus's skill, this reminder is ever so beautiful, delicate, and all around inviting. It's meaning is just...weak.

"Oh, c'mon. You're deviant now. Be honest," Markus egged me on.

"Isn't it a bit...common?" I offered.

"I know! That's what I thought! It's too soft," he announced. He took it off the easel, and then picked up a different one. "But this?"

It was an android hand, over a puddle, with red, human blood, dripping off the hand into the puddle, and causing a ripple effect across it.

"Much better."

"That's what I thought. Same concept, better execution," he said. He quickly took out a thick black brush, and signed his name in the bottom right corner. "I'm giving that to Christen for Christmas."

I nodded. It'll fit perfectly with her new home.

"It's perfect," I explained. With everyone choosing perfect gifts for everyone else...I suddenly felt a bit self conscious.

"Enough about me, though," Markus said, walking over to his sink and washing his hands. "What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if the offer is still on the table. The security officer?" I asked. Markus nodded.

"Could I have it? Not right now...," I mumbled.

"Would January 2nd be a good start date for you?" He offered.

"Yeah," I answered sighing out of relief.

"Listen, there's no reason to be nervous. I just changed the world, that's all," Markus said. He winked before walking towards his desk. He opened up the drawer and took out a set of folded clothes. "Had a feeling you might come back, so I got you a uniform made."

On top of the set of clothes was a small badge that said C. Lance. It's...a strange feeling. I have a uniform...

That's fucking awesome!

I mean, I had a uniform before...but now I have one because I'm a cop! a...mall security officer...but a cop!

"Thank you, Markus," I said, calmly.

"No problem," he said shrugging.

"Who were you expecting?" I asked.


"You seemed irritated when I knocked. Who were you expecting?"

"Oh," he said, sighing. "I'm expecting 3 different groups today, all from the US government. I would've been a bit upset had they gotten led down here, instead of waiting for me to meet them."

"Sounds like the whole leader thing is pretty fun," I remark, chuckling softly.

"Don't get me started," he said sighing.

"Well, I'll get going. I'll see you on the second," I said approaching the door.

"Goodbye, Charlotte," he said, picking up yet another canvas. I stepped out, and went down the set of stairs, and headed towards the shops. I was hoping to run into Connor, but no. He was not in the Hospital, the Basement, or on the surface levels of least, not from what I could tell. I am basically searching the whole fucking city of Detroit.

Okay...that was an exaggeration, but there are too many people, okay?


The next day passed, and sure enough,  I didn't run into Connor. By God though, I managed to wrap each gift...or at least something representing them. Unfortunately, furniture and easels don't fit well under Christmas trees. So, I simply wrapped a small paint set for Fiona, hoping that when they got to the house, she would see the connection. As for Christen, I wrapped her up a set of throw pillows. Hopefully she'll see they go really well with her sofa.

As for Nick, Margot, and Connor, I wrapped up their gifts. I placed Nick and Margot's under the tree, while I put Connor's in the pocket of my jacket.

Oof. This whole Christmas thing? Not my forté. That night, I went to sleep. I need to make sure I have all my energy for the events tomorrow.

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