Chapter VIII: Guns on the table

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???'s Pov

I'll get you next time Dragneel and once that happens you'll be on your knees begging for mercy.

Natsu's Pov

I sighed while doing my paperwork, last night was a disaster.

"Natsu you looked troubled, are you okay?" Gray asked. I didn't even notice him come in.

"I can't think" I sighed.

"Look, I know it's hard. But remember we are all here for you but I have to tell you, she's not safe here" he said.

"I know, Morgan got away and everyone will be after me soon." I sighed. "If things get worse, I'll just fire her," I said.

???'s Pov

I was in the living room on my laptop until I saw a particular clue that hit me.

"No way" I whispered.

"What is it Shrimp" he turned to me.

"Look here, Francis Morgan is one of the three elite bodyguards of Ankhseram. According to this, the other two are Adrian Agne and Marco Rossi" I said.

"So your saying is one way to get to Ankhseram to kick his bodyguard's asses." He said.

"Practically, yes" I replied as I print the information. "Here give this to Natsu," I said and handed him the paper.

Lucy's Pov

Natsu entrusted something again to Juvia so she left. Then a man with incredibly long and Spiky hair entered.

"Mr. Redfox, I'm not here for an appointment just give this to Natsu," he said and put a letter on my desk then left.

I picked the letter and stood up and entered Natsu's office.

"Sir," I said. He's wearing eyeglasses and focused on his laptop and for some reason, he looks so hot.

"Yeah" he replied.

"Mr. Redfox wants to give this to you" I went close to his table and place the letter and leave.


Natsu's Pov

I sighed and opened the letter Lucy gave me. So only three huh. As long as all of the guys participate things will be a piece of cake. I get to my phone and called Juvia.


What do you need

Well, that's just rude!!

I'm in a bad mood, just go on with it

Inform everyone that we're having a meeting in my office after the company closes. And when I mean everyone. I mean Everyone.

Roger that


I sighed and stood from my seat and exited my office.

"Ms. Heartfilia we need to go, we don't want to be late for the meeting," I said adjusting my suit.

"Right." Lucy nodded and followed my tracks.


We're inside my car and for some reason, I started talking.

"Listen, I want to remove the awkward atmosphere between the two of us, you're my PA and we need to be at least comfortable with each other."

"I agree." She nodded with a smile.

"So do you have any questions?" I offered.

"Some." She replied. "But you gotta ask me questions too."

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