Chapter XIII: Adrian Agne

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Natsu's Pov

I exited my car with Happy in hand. I entered the vet. Inside sat a brown haired muscular man.

"Mr. Tachibana I'm here for Happy's monthly checkup" I said putting Happy down.

"Oh right here let me see him." He replied picking Happy up.

While Makoto's checking on Happy I decided to text someone.


I'm running late.

Got it. But why exactly?

I'm in the vet for Happy's monthly checkup.

Are you bringing him to the office??

Sure, why not


"Natsu Happy's Fine as usual" Makoto smiled.

"Glad to hear" I stood up.

"You really are taking good care of him" he said.

"Of course like you said blue cats are rare" I replied picking Happy up.

"True" he nodded.


Lucy's Pov

I was finishing Natsu's schedule until I saw a blue cat running to Natsu's door. And damn he's cute.

"Hey" i heard a familiar voice.

"Oh Natsu" I looked towards his direction.

"I guess yo already met Happy." He did looking at me petting the feline's blue fur.

"Oh so this is Happy" realization struck. "He's adorable" I said hugging the feline.

"Now you know the reason why I named him Happy" he smirked.

Huh. What is he talking about. "I dont get it" I said tilting my head in confusion. He laughed.

"Try and guess" he picked up he feline from my table and entered his office.

Natsu's Pov

What is that woman doing to me.


I groaned and slowly opened my eyes and saw Lucy inside my office.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"2:30" She smiled.

I stared at her for about a good minute and realized what just happened.

"2:30!!" I shouted in which scared her a bit.

"You look so peaceful while you sleep and it was Gray's idea to let you sleep all day." She explained.

"That dosen't sound like Gray." I raised a brow in disbelief.

"Trust me, he said that." Lucy said in which I replied with another yawn.

"If you're really tired you can go home and take a rest there." She said.

"Good point." I nodded.

"When's the last time you had a good night's sleep anyway." She asked.

"Last week." I replied with a yawn.

"Alright, Yoy can go and we can take it from here." She said abd I inevitably left my office.

The next day

I entered my office and there is one thing I noticed. It's clean.

I saw a sticky note from Lucy on my table.

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