Chapter XXIV: A new challenge appears

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Larcade's Pov

"You're crazy." I laughed.

"I'm serious man. My father wants me to marry a Heartfilia." He replied.

"Well I mean I'm not complaining. It's your old man after all." I sighed.

"Yeah, and I want you to go and have an investigation about her." I gave me a picture of a blonde woman practically on her 20's and she looks beautiful, to be honest.

"Her name is Lucy Heartfilia and Dad is already talking to her Aunt about the situation but I want a background check first." He chuckled. "You need to meet her in person tho too." He added.

"Where does she lives," I asked.

"Tokyo, Japan. I'll give you the exact location once you got there." He replied. "I mean I know it's a lot of trouble since you have a very-" he added but cut him off.

"It's fine. I'm almost thinking of going back to Japan myself thinking about giving my dear old Uncle a visit." I smirked.


Anna's Pov

"No that's not happening!" I exclaimed.

"I believe you don't have any much of a choice here." He laughed mocking me.

"Lucy is not marrying your son," I said.

"He will. I don't give up that easily Anna." He smirked.

"I'm fully aware of that information." I crossed my arms.

"See so don't even bother on stopping my plans you'll just end up regretting it." He replied.


Lucy's Pov

I was at my table and it seems like a normal day but it isn't one little bit. Natsu has been ignoring for weeks. And only me.

I'm doing my job as Natsu's secretary for now because of some emergency in France that Juvia needs to check on.


Natsu's Pov


How long are you gonna be there?

I'm going to be pretty busy Natsu-San. I'm sorry it's the wedding season in France I need to take care of my boutique.

I understand. Go ahead. Just contact me whenever you're coming back.

I will don't worry.



Larcade's Pov

I know that Invel will spill the beans. But no need to worry We'll continue on with your plan. We'll make sure Uncle won't trust anyone. Not even his own best friend.



What is it? I'm quite busy here.

Where's your dad?

He's in a meeting right now.

Is that so. Very well just tell him that I know a perfect person to get the job done.

Of course, if you're talking about the famous boutique owner he already knows what to do.


Why so interested?

Nothing. Just something we have to do for Invel.

Right. Right. I almost forgot. Are you in Tokyo?

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