Chapter XXV: A traitor among us

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Victor Conte's Pov

"You can't possibly stay here for too long Natsu needs you in his business. Ankhresam is still breathing his job is still not done. It would be horrible if you left him behind."


Natsu's Pov

What's taking him too long it's already been 4 hours and he's still not here.


He decided to leave when I'm freakishly busy. I'm just one person and I have 20 meetings to attend to. Hear that Gray. 20 meetings.


Lucy's Pov

The day is even busier than normal I might say since Juvia's not here and all and Gray is out there walking his own errand. I mean could he pick a different day to go.

I was busy with the paperwork until I saw Gray enter with a quite bothered look in his face. Wonder why.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked but he just ignored me and entered Natsu's office.

Natsu's Pov

"There you are I've been waiting for hours now. Apparently I have a stock full of meetings to attend to and your attending some of it." I said.

"Sure just put it to my office." He replied.

There's something weird about his voice and I can't put my finger into it.


After some of the meetings I attended. I went straight back to my office and moments later. I saw Anna entered my office.

"Natsu you got to help me." She exclaimed.

"What for." I asked.

"This." She gave me a piece of paper. "It's a contract and I'm 100% positive that I didn't sign it." I took a paper and read it. At that moment I was shocked, confused, and angry.

It was a contract for the marriage of Lucy and a guy named Richard Conte.

"Lucy, Gray, stop whatever you're doing and get in my office right now!" I boomed in the mic.


"Gray, take a look you're a Lawyer right, are there any holes." I gave the paper to him.

He took it and take a quick look. He then grabbed a scratch paper and pen and gave it to Anna and asked her to sign there.

"It's fake but it looks real." He said. "How the paper is printed is exceptionally great that the only thing that I can pinpoint is the signature. If you look closely it's incredibly close but quite different. And the difference is so close it can be considered as your signature because you can't have the exact same style of handwriting with your signatures." Gray exclaimed.

He does have a point. Whenever I write my signatures. Some of them were quite different from the others.

"But we could make this work. Is he demanding a case on this one." He said.

"As this whole thing goes I'm the one who's demanding the case." Anna replied.

"I'm not going to be your lawyer because this is not my comfort zone but I know a perfect person for the job." He added.

"Thank you." Anna sighed.


Gray's Pov

I'm sorry Natsu, but this has to be done. It's not always about you. I sacrificed my job as a lawyer five years ago because of you. Her life is at stake here. It's time for me to do what I need to do.



Long time no see pal.

Gray Fullbuster. Well, this is rare.

I have a case for you. I'll pay you how much you want, just lose this one.

You want me to lose a case. I haven't lost a single case and my memory is quite sharp.

Just lose this one.

What's with the eagerness in your voice.

Alright. I'm telling this only to you so you better keep this a secret or you're dead.

Okay. Okay. No need to use the scary voice.

Juvia's life is at stake in the success of this case. I want to stay with her but I can't.

You mean she's kidnapped.

At first. They set her free. But if I lose the case or she told anyone about it. She's dead. She got snipers all around her in every corner.

Wait you mean to tell me. I'm going against your party?

Yeah pretty much.

And you'll do this because of her.

I need to be the selfish one for once.

Alright, I will "lose" to you Fullbuster. After all, I still owe you one.

Thanks a bunch, Rufus.



Juvia's Pov

My super tight schedule doesn't help me at all. I'm completely paranoid. All I can think of is someone just shooting me rapidly. I can't even fight back. I only have one rifle with me.

"Madame are you okay. You seem a little bit bothered." My Assistant Carol said.

"Yes, I'm fine just tired that's all." I replied.

"I kept on calling you for hours and you didn't pick up." She said.

"I think I just left my phone in silent mode." I lied.

"That seems reasonable. I actually ended up calling Monsieur Gray for help." She added.

"Yeah, thanks for that." I smiled.


Anna's Pov

"Anna, this is Rufus Lore he will be your lawyer for this case." Gray introduced me to this man with very long blonde hair and a feathered hat, weirdly, it suits him.

"Nice to meet you Miss Heartfilia." He politely said.

"Me too" I replied.

"I'll just leave you two here." Gray excused himself and exited the room.

"So about that case." Rufus started.

"Yes, what case may we put upon him in this situation." I asked.

"If its a fraud contract it's not enough to file a lawsuit. So you must tell me is there anything else this man has done to you." He said.

"Uhmm..... Yes, actually he threatened my life if I didn't agree." I replied.

"Well, that was more than enough." He slouched on his chair.


*inserts random emoji*

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Till Next Time.

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