Chapter XL: Acnologia

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*inserts random emojis*


No one's Pov

"It's you." Natsu softly said.

"How are you even alive?!" Gajeel shouted.

"Tell me are you made out of magic or what?!" Laxus added.

"Simmer down everyone. I don't know what the hell is happening, but what the hell is happening?!" Jellal exclaimed.

"Right, Everyone meets Acnologia." Natsu started. (This introduction is brought to you by Papalogia Au by acnologias-ass on Tumblr.)

"He's been our guardian if you will," Gajeel said. "Since most of the people he took under his wing are orphans."

"Yeah, us three, Wendy, and three others." Laxus added. "Since Natsu and I still got relatives with us, we kinda just tag along."

"Nice to meet you." Erza said.

"Please I don't do formal introductions. I only took those 7 brats under my wing because Zeref died." Acnologia said. "Let's just go outside and I'll tell you the truth."

🌹🌹🌹 (This rose line break is brought to you by Kyoya's flower machine.)

"So, how exactly are you alive?" Natsu asked.

"Simple. I was together with Igneel when the plane crashed resulting in all of you thinking that I died. But in reality, I survived that plane crash but my arm was cut off in the process." Acnologia explained and removed his cloak afterward reviling his missing left arm.

"So you earned a scar?..." Natsu tilted his head.

"No! You idiot. Did you even listened to a word I said!" Acnologia exclaimed. "Moving on." He sighed. "Since I explained everything I'm here to talk about Ankhresam."

(o) This is Arnold don't mind him he's just drunk and he's taking us to England.

Larcade and Ankhresam are walking towards the plane they're riding to Tokyo. There was silence between the two until Larcade spoke.

"I'm really glad that I'll be joining you here today." Larcade said.

"I heard what happened in France." Ankhresam said looking at Larcade straight in the eyes.

"Oh that... I don't want to talk about it." Larcade replied.

"Did you lose?" Anhkresam raised a brow.

"No, and if I did lose I'm dead by now." Larcade said. "The bastard took off when he realized he was running out of time."

"I see." Ankhresam nodded.

"If you ask me. If you want a quick battle don't touch the girl it will only make things worse." Larcade said truthfully.

"Well. I want to have some fun." The man replied with a smirk.

"This is so unlike you." Larcade replied and entered the plane with Ankhresam.

(*`▽')_~~ This is Charles he wants to drink tea with you.

"I see. So you already set up a plan." Acnologia said looking at Natsu.

"Yeah. I've come up with it while watching Endgame on the way here." Natsu replied.

"Things have never changed." Acno laughed (I'm just gonna call him Acno his name is way too long.)

"Of course." Natsu replied in a matter of fact tone. "Have you watched it?" Natsu asked and Acno nodded. "Good because we're going to have a meeting about the movie."

Lucy then slowly went to Natsu's ear and whispered.

"I love you 3000"

"Ahhhh come on Luce! The wound is still fresh! How could you!" Natsu whined and Lucy just giggled at his misery.

No one's pov

April 24, 2018
10:45 pm

"Everything is all set." A man said arranging all the guns in front of Laracde.

"Good." Larcade nodded and watched the man walked away. When Larcade is sure that the man is nowhere in sight he opened a briefcase that is sitting on his left. "Time to get started." Larcade smirked.


"Ah, Larcade where have you been? Ankhresam asked and noticed a corpse on Larcade's left hand and a briefcase on his right. "What's the meaning of this?!"

"Chill, I noticed this guy replacing our ammo with Kolibri pistols." Larcade said and opened the briefcase resulting in the tiny pistols inside to fall off. "But I took care of him." Larcade added showing the corpse with blood on its chest.

"Dragneel." Ankhresam growled.

"I'm not surprised Uncle's brainwashing techniques are pretty effective." Larcade nodded.

"Good thing you're there then." Ankhresam said.

"Of course, My loyalty belongs to you." Larcade smiled and twitched a smirk.


"Larcade." a voice called.

Larcade turned around only to see the man he hated the most.

The man had long brown hair tied into a low ponytail, dark green eyes, and is wearing all black.

"Benedict." Larcade growled slightly.

"I know you're planning something" Benedict growled.

"What?" Larcade raised a brow.

"You bastard, just shut up and admit that you're lying!" Benedict shouted. "I can read people and I can perfectly tell that you are up to something no good, I know that you're a traitor."

"Maybe you just read me wrong. I hated my Uncle since the day I was born and I will help Ankhresam kill him even if it's the last thing I do!" Larcade shouted back glaring at the man before him and started to walk away.


Anna's pov

I entered Natsu's Company and I was shocked to see nonother than Commander Andrius Murphy himself.

"Commander I can't believe you actually came." Anna said.

"We are talking about Anhkresam here." Andrius replied in his deep but dark monotone voice.

Natsu's pov

"Alright so everyone got their parts." I said and everyone nodded.

My plan is simple and I trust Larcade that he already pulled off phases 1 and 2 of the plan and all we need to is act clueless and just follow Anhkresam with his coordinates.

c⌒っv ) This is Liam and he wants a hug

Larcade's Pov

"Dear me, this is a lot tougher than I thought it would be," I told myself while inserting the last bomb around the mansion.


*inserts random emoji*

Don't forget to leave a vote if you like the chapter. And give me some feedback I like to hear your opinions.

Till Next Time.

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