Chapter XLIII: Cafe Talk

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*inserts random emoji*


Lucy's pov

It has been a couple of weeks after the fight against Ankhresam and many things happened after that.

Larcade went back to Russia to finish some of his own business there, Acnologia went back to his 'sanctuary' somewhere in Finland, Levy accepted Auntie's offer to work for the FBI while Gajeel started making weapons for the military, Gray went back to being a lawyer while Juvia is planning to have the first branch of her boutique in Asia that she herself is managing, Erza started planning for her own bakery while Jellal started working as a tattoo artist, While Mira started working on Wendy's hospital to help and make medicines while Laxus started working on the business his grandfather gave to him, Natsu went back to his own business and he hired a new secretary and Assistant to replace Gray and Juvia he doesn't have a Personal Assistant anymore since his schedule is flexible now that Anhkresam's gone. While I finally finished my book, thanks to everyone I'm able to publish it in no time and it became a best seller.

The only thing I don't like is the fact that Natsu won't allow me to work for him anymore. He said he doesn't want his fiancé working for him.

As of right now, I'm on my second book signing event. Everyone loved my story and I'm glad that they do.

1 month later

It's been a month and Erza just opened her bakery last week. I've been her regular customer guilty as charged.

Today the girls decided to catch up. We met at a Starbucks nearby.

Everyone came in except Juvia who according to Levy is actually 7 weeks pregnant.

Levy opened her laptop and cane in Juvia on the screen.

"Hey!" Juvia waved.

"Congrats on the baby!" Mira squealed.

"Thanks, also Juvia's sorry for not being there she's busy for tomorrow's opening and Gray-sama is overreacting on the matter. He won't let me do any work saying it'll stress the baby. I mean it's just 7 weeks." Juvia said adding a faint shout in the background coming from Gray.

"Shut up!! I can perfectly handle this stuff myself!" Juvia growled looking in the direction where Gray is supposed to be . "He's too overprotective." Juvia added looking back at the camera.

"Just let him be. I remember Gajeel's first reaction when I told him I'm having Emma." Levy said and laughed at the end of her sentence.

"That's a good one." Erza laughed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Oh, it's a funny story actually you see when I told him I'm pregnant he let out the most girlish squeal I've ever heard I was so shocked I can't believe that came out of his mouth. After a few weeks, I started to have these cravings for Lobsters for some reason he immediately called and ordered a bunch he tried to cook it but ended up calling Mira to cook some for us instead." Levy said.

"And I've been their lobster cook ever since." Mira smiled.

"So when's the wedding?" Erza asked.

"Probably around December. Gray-sama wanted a Winter themed Wedding." Juvia smiled.

"We'll start planning after Natsu finishes an investment." I added.

"And Juvia will take care of the gowns and suits. Totally free." Juvia smiled.

"While I'll take care of the cake. Also free of charge." Erza said.

"Really?!" I said.

"Yes, Juvia did the same thing at Levy and Erza's wedding." Mira replied.

"Well Erza did take care of the cake at my wedding, Mira took care of Erza's cake at her wedding." Levy added.

"Anywho, look who's engaged to someone." Mira said in a sing-song tone showing her black diamond ring.

"Wow!!! That's beautiful Mira!" Levy said.

"Laxus knows how to find a good ring." Erza added.

"How did he asked you?" I asked.

"It's quite straightforward but cute really. I visited the company yesterday and he's at the doorstep and proposed to me in front of everyone." Mira said giggling.

"So how did your relationship with Natsu going so far?" Erza asked giving me a weird look.

"What do you mean?" I asked back giving her a confused look.

"Have your V card's been swiped?" Juvia asked on the screen while doing some paperwork and drinking some apple juice.

"What are you......... Oh my gosh, you guys!!" I said and growled at the end.

"What?! I mean haven't you two maked out?" Erza asked.

"Well yeah but we never go that far well at least not yet. I'm not ready." I said feeling my face heat up.

"We won't force you to it." Levy smiled.

"Will it hurt?" I asked still blushing so hard the shade of my face could envy Erza's hair.

"Yes, but it will go away after a few seconds." Erza replied.

"And don't worry he'll be gentle." Mira smiled.


No one's Pov

Lucy entered the company and been greeted immediately by everyone.

"Good afternoon Ms. Heartfilia what can I do for you?" Natsu's new secretary Felicia said with a smile.

"Is Natsu inside?" Lucy asked.

"Yes ma'am he's currently having a conversation with your wedding coordinator you can come inside if you wanted to." She replied.

I nodded and knocked on the door before coming inside.

"Luce perfect timing this is Christopher Matthew Evans he'll be our wedding coordinator." Natsu introduced the black-haired man to his fiancé.

"Nice to meet you madame." Christopher shook hands with the blonde.

"Now moving on. Juvia is a friend of mine and she'll take care of the gowns and suits." Natsu said and Christopher nodded. "All we have to do is pick a design and she'll take care of the rest."

"For the venue however we still haven't picked one yet," Natsu said.

"Don't worry sir based on the theme of your wedding I can give you some recommendations for the venue by tomorrow." Christopher added.

"Thanks." Natsu nodded.

"So madame. We'll start on the cake by tomorrow as well." The coordinator said. "Is that all?"

"Yes, thank you for your services." Natsu said and the coordinator nodded before leaving the office.


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I'll do a lemon next chapter. And if you don't want that kind of stuff just skip it. Also, it might take me a little longer to update since I never wrote lemon before.

Don't forget to leave a vote if you like the chapter. And give me some feedback I like to hear your opinions.

Till Next Time.

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