Chapter XXXI: The Wedding Crasher

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Lucy's Pov

I can't get my eyes off him. He's there standing at the entrance of the church. He's bruised had cuts on his body, a black eye, his clothes Are torn apart and his hands are filled with blood at the same time fiercely holding a gun. He looks worn out, but determined and angry.

"Natsu...." I whispered as he walked his way towards us.

"Get your filthy hands off her." He glared at Victor while pointing the gun at him. "She's mine."

Victor's hands slipped on my neck making me breathe normally again.

"T-This is impossible." He said. "You can't. I-I don't believe this."

Natsu smirked. "You better believe it."

"No there's thousands of them." Victor exclaimed.

"Do you really think I'm that stupid not to bring my own men." Natsu replied.

"No.... No, You can't win dammit!" Victor shook his head while backing away.

"I won, now you better be true to your word to leave Lucy and Anna alone. Or else." Natsu said.

"Or else what?" Victor exclaimed.

Then we heard a crash and one by one Victor's men were thrown down from above.

"Fuck!!" Victor cursed and I can see Natsu smirked at this.

"Or else we just have to mess your suit even more." Auntie stepped on aiming my gun before at Victor.

"My men will kill you all." Victor chattered. "They will kill you limb by limb-"

"They can try."

"I have an army, Dragneel, they will kill you-"

" I have an army of my own." Natsu looks livid, his teeth are gritting and his jaw is tightening. "And I can assure you, they can do their job better than your men."

Victor popped a vein. "Don't threaten me, boy, I'm older than you, wiser and more powerful-"

"More powerful..... really, as far as I know, the entrance is cleared out." Natsu smirked.

"You've got to be kidding-" Victor said.

"You're even lucky in fact all of this didn't make me snap." Natsu moved closer to Victor and pointed the gun directly at his chest. "But if it did you're dead." Natsu pulled the trigger but there's no blood just a sound.

"Killing people is really not my thing anymore." I heard Natsu whisper but loud enough for me to hear.

Possibly out of shock Victor just froze in his place as Natsu went pass him to approach me.

"Natsu...." I whispered and went closer. "Look at you...." A tear fell down while I caressed his bruised face. "Your such an idiot."

"Sorry, I'm late." He chuckled.

I looked at his head and saw a slight red. I touched it with my other hand and got scared when I saw blood on my hands.

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