Chapter XXVII: France

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Lucy's Pov

"I'm not coming with you!" I exclaimed hiding behind Natsu.

"Ms. Heartfilia we are tasked to do our job. And our job states that we have to bring you to France." A tall man with dark shades said.

"I already told you didn't I. I'm not coming with you!" I exclaimed once more still hiding behind Natsu.

"Just go with them." Natsu whispered behind me.

"Wha-what are you talking about." I replied.

"Just go with them don't worry I'll follow you there." He whispered and I nodded in response.

I took a deep breath and put a step forward and followed the two tall men.


Victor Conte's Pov

"Welcome home dear." I exclaimed as Lucy walked inside the manor.

"This is my son and your fiancé Richard." I immediately introduced my son who is standing right next to me.

"Nice to meet you, my lady." My son bowed.

"The honor is not mine." She replied bluntly.


Natsu's Pov

I was with the others together with Anna and I already explained everything and when I mean everything. EVERYTHING.

"I can't believe he did that!" Gajeel shouted.

"Maybe there's some reason behind it," Levy added.

"I hope there is but I saw nothing. All I can see in his eyes that time is hatred." I lowered my head.

"So we're following Lucy to France?" Jellal asked.

"Yes, and I think we have to explain the whole ordeal to Juvia as well. She deserves to know." I replied.


No one's Pov

Natsu and the others already arrived in France in no time flat. First, they booked a hotel first then went straight to Juvia's boutique.

"Bonjour Monsieur." one of Juvia's employees greeted but get startled by Natsu's appearance.

"Monsieur Natsu. I'll just call Madame." The employee said.

Natsu's Pov

It's already been a while when we got here looks like she's really busy. I turned my head around when I saw the unexpected. I saw Gray with Juvia by her side.

"What the hell are you doing here of all places!" Gajeel shouted.

"Gajeel-kun if your gonna punch him please do it outside and not in front of my costumers," Juvia said in a monotone voice.

"Why are you defending him! Do you have any idea what this frick has done." Gajeel said.

"Actually Juvia does. Right from the beginning." Juvia replied.

What she does and she didn't even inform me about it!!

"Why?" I asked.

"None of your business." Juvia replied still not changing the tone of her voice.

"Now if you're just here to inform Juvia on what I did you may leave she's  pretty busy at the moment." Gray smirked.


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