Chapter XVII: Adrian Agne's downfall

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No one's Pov

10:00 pm. Natsu and the others went to the coordinates Erza gave them to reach Agne's lair.

While on the other hand, the Levi squad is approaching Agne's lair riding on horses.

Meanwhile, Adrian Agne is will be watching their every move from every angle.


Natsu's Pov

We stopped in front of Adrian Agne's lair and damn I was fazed on how incredibly humongous the structure is.

Then came in these dudes on horseback riding their way here.

"Who are you" a man with black hair said.

"And Who are you" I asked back.

"Who we are is none of your concern." The man came down his horse and he's actually shorter than I expected him to be.

"If you're here for Agne then we are too." I replied.

"You're after Agne too and for what reason" a woman with glasses said.

"We wanted answers from him." Gray replied.

"And what is your business with Adrian Agne?" Juvia asked.

"To kill him." The short man replied briefly.

"For what reason?" Gajeel asked.

"We got our noses for Adrian for a while now and we finally had a plan that won't fail." The woman replied. "The name is Hange by the way." She added.

"Natsu." I briefly replied.

"Interesting, you do know your name translates to Summer in Japan right." Hange said and I can hear laughs and giggles behind me.

"Since we're after the same guy why don't we team up to get rid of him." I said.

"That would be helpful, what do you say about that Levi." Hange said nudging the man beside her and the man replied with a nod.

"I would want you to address me as Captain Levi." The man came close and started introducing his crew after that so did I.


Adrian's Pov

If you think you can stop me if you Team up it would still be impossible.


No one's Pov

"So that's the plan any questions." Armin said and everyone nodded in agreement.

Phase 1: The Levi squad will attack/distract the sniper's while Natsu's Team will find a way for all of us to get in.

All of them are ready in position. And with no further ado, they launched themselves up in the air with their ODM gear. The snipers saw them but their too slow for them especially for Mikasa and Levi.

While with Team Natsu. Natsu manages to blow up the entrance full of complicated locks and passcodes.


Phase 2: Erza and Mikasa will take care of Neola Cosmos, Natsu, and Gray with Eren and Levi will take care of Adrian Agne and the rest will take care of Agne's troops.

Once all of them get in they all are greeted by an insane number of men. All of them rushed into positions.


"You're not going anywhere." Neola said pointing a sharp sword at them.

In a flash, Erza and Mikasa started doing their part while the boys are nowhere to be seen.

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