Chapter XXIII: Calm after the Strom

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Natsu's Pov

She's part of it. She's an FBI. She's practically an enemy.

"Yo Natsu are you okay." I heard Gray's voice.

"No." I sighed and he sat next to me. "Gray this is messed up. I'm messed up." I pulled my hair back in frustration. "I don't deserve her. She's going to be way much better with someone else." I sighed.

"You sounded like me before." Gray said. "I keep on telling myself that I'm the type of person that doesn't deserve to be loved after everything that I've done. I'm totally fucked up but then Juvia came. For once I'm scared. Truth to be told I'm always scared to lose her. Because the two of us are kinda alike. We both lost so much and it's because of us. But she's still there for me after everything. And I ended up realizing that I actually deserved to be loved. Deserved to be loved by her." He sighed. "It's the same thing to you as well. I know deep down there you're scared." He patted my shoulder. "Just think about it." He said before leaving me.


Lucy's Pov

I was with Auntie packing my things since we're going home today until I heard a knock on the door. Auntie opened the door and I saw Emma outside.

"Miss Anna can we borrow Auntie Lucy for a while don't worry it's nothing dangerous." The girl smiled.

Auntie looked over my side first and I nodded.

"Alright then." Auntie smiled.

"Yey!! Thank you." Emma squealed and hugged Auntie then left.


I was with everyone and Auntie already left. I was walking side by side with Natsu and the tension in the air is so thin.

"Uhmm...... Hey, we haven't spoken in a while after 'that' incident." I tried to start a conversation but he didn't reply. What the hell is the problem with this guy? I thought we're through.

"Guys we're here!" Mira said and we stopped at the bar.

"We're not going to get wasted are we?" I asked in concern.

"Of course not. We're going home tonight this is just practically a celebration since we beat the crap out of all Ankhresam's bodyguards." Gray snickered.

"That's good." I smiled.

We entered the bar and I sat beside Emma until I noticed that Natsu walked out.

What the hell is his problem?

I decided to follow him and went outside.

"What do you want?" Natsu said slightly irritated that I'm there.

"What's up with you. You're acting like this right from the very start we met again. I thought we talked things through." I exclaimed.

I mean who wouldn't be pissed he's acting like we never even become close.

"I know I don't know what are you thinking right now but dammit Natsu if you think it's hard for you then let me tell you it's hard for me too." I continued. "And if you think that all of this will solve everything then your wrong. Natsu I don't even know who am I to you anymore." I sighed.

"Do you really want to talk. Fine, let's talk." He straightens up his posture and walked towards me. "I'm upset, I'm mad, I'm livid, do you want to know why? Well you see, after I told you the part of my life I always kept hidden, I soon found out that you're part of the fucking FBI."

Natsu leaned back and chuckled. "And do you know what the worst part is, you hurt Juvia, and by doing that you also hurt Gray. I can take everything, I can take that you lied to me, that you spied on me, I can take that because that's between you and me. But you dared to drag the people I care about into our mess. Honestly, the only thing that stopping Gray from killing you is the fact that Juvia has forgiven you." After he said that. I'm speechless. He chuckled and went back inside.


Natsu's Pov

"What do you mean by your not playing." The singer exclaimed

"I'm not playing I'm not in the mood just hire someone else." I replied.

"It's too late for that." He said. "What if  you just play the guitar nothing more nothing less." He added.

It's not like he's gonna stop until I agree.

"Fine, I'll do it." I sighed.


Lucy's Pov

We are sitting in a round table with drinks but for some reason, Natsu is not with us until the lights dimmed and there's a spotlight with a blonde guy and is that Natsu.

"Alright let's get it on," Erza said.

"Please welcome to sing a song for us give it up for Valdez Cruz and Salamander." The emcee spoke Then Natsu started playing the guitar while the other guy started to sing and I must admit their not bad.

Throughout the song all I can see is Natsu's stoic face while paying the guitar totally different from the time I first saw him play.


Natsu's Pov

After the song, I exited the stage and I saw the others already waiting for me outside.

"Splendid as ever Natsu-San." Juvia squealed.

"You passed my expectations once more." Erza added.

"Yeah. Whatever." I sighed and started walking.

After a few minutes, we reached the hotel. We went inside our rooms and to fetch our things after that we went straight to the rooftop where the plane is.

Since the girls insisted on me sitting next to Lucy and I literally don't have any choice especially since Erza is the leader of the bunch.

We never looked at each other. We never talk. It's just a huge bubble of silence and awkwardness between the both of us. Until she decided to speak.

"I'm sorry."

"I got a little immature there, I never thought what my actions could have done to you." She continued.

I simply sat there as she cried her apology.


*inserts random emoji*

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Till Next Time.

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