Chapter XX: Two individuals one enemy

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Fairy Tail's here and I just watched it and it was amazing the animation was lit the music was lit. Everything is lit. And they bring back the chibi endings.

*inserts random emoji*


Natsu's Pov

We all rode Jellal's plane to Italy. Mira and Laxus said that they're catching up because of some flowers they needed to make the poison we needed.


Lucy's Pov

I woke up in my room and I decided to take a walk. I went upstairs where the garden is located and I saw a dash of pink no not pink it's salmon. And there is no doubt about it I also caught a glimpse of Gray and Juvia but why are they here. Out of all the hotels in Italy, why did they have to check in here?


Natsu's Pov

I'm talking with the register about the reservation. I was alone with Gray and Juvia the others are still at the rooftop because of some complications with the plane until I saw a dash of blonde go upstairs I really didn't pay attention because blonde is a common hair color.


Anna's pov


Everything is under control commander.

Are you sure?

Positive. Everything's ready.

Good. If you need anything just inform me. I want this to end quickly.

Of course.



Natsu's Pov

I was already in the room with the guys. Normal things going on. I'm strumming my guitar in an unknown tune, Gray's half-naked and busy with a book, Jellal's busy with his phone, and Gajeel's sleeping comfortably in a very uncomfortable position. Until Laxus came in.

"Mira has the poison just gave her your gun and she'll take care of the rest." He said.


Gray's Pov

I'm so impressed It's not like I'm not used to seeing her talk in different languages but her speaking Italian Just turns me on. Jellal is with Erza and still on the rooftop about the complications in his plane. Levy is with Emma in the room while Juvia took me out in this very fancy restaurant.

???'s Pov

Gray Fullbuster. He's a very good friend of Natsu and what if I use that friendship against him. Use their friendship to tear them apart and I'm using his girlfriend for that plan to work this won't miss and I wouldn't even make my hands dirty in the process.


Lucy's Pov

I'm back in the room preparing everything I need for the infiltration and investigation on Rossi. I dyed my hair black for my disguise and some clothes Auntie picked out for me.


Natsu's Pov

Gray and I got ready and went inside this casino where Rossi is.  We sat on a couple of chairs and played poker for a couple of minutes until we saw Rossi and took action.


Marco Rossi's Pov

"It's a fine day ain't it boss," one of my men said.

"A fine day indeed to kick some FBI asses," I replied. "Are everything ready for our plan of action Invel" I asked.

"Sure I can't wait to see the expression on his face when he sees me." He smirked.

"Of course you're the one who killed Zeref Dragneel after all." I smiled.


Natsu's Pov

"That backstabbing little piece of shit!"  I shouted.

Gray and I already went back to the room and it's hard for the both of us. He's calming me down while I tried not to snap.

"I trusted him. My brother trusted him. How could he do this." I continued on babbling about things non stop while Gray just took a deep sigh.

"Natsu look I know you're upset but try to calm down." He said

"Goddammit, Gray, he's the one responsible for my brother's death how do you expect me to be calm." I exclaimed.

"Natsu just take a deep breath." Gray ordered me and I did as told.

"Now we'll talk to Levy on how things will be." He said. "Are you good with that." He put both of his hands on my shoulders.

I took a few deep breaths and nodded in approval as we went inside the girl's room to discuss some matters.


Natsu's Pov

"Look I don't care who's gonna beat Rossi's ass but Invel's mine." I exclaimed.

"Alright, then I think the only rational thing to do is have Juvia shot Rossi with the poison." Levy said.

"Piece of cake." Juvia smiled.

"I'll take charge of the blueprints." Levy said "And the rest will just have to deal with multitasking for now. We'll attack by surprise in the same casino we're Rossi was found and avoid any casualties as much as possible." She said.

"Let's do this." I stood up from the bed I was sitting on. And they all nodded in agreement.


*inserts random emoji*

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Till Next Time.

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