Chapter XXIX: Stop the Wedding

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Natsu's Pov

"That's crazy." Gajeel said.

"There's no way you can survive that thing." Erza added.

"It's not like I'm going in alone." I replied.

"What are you talking about?" Jellal said.

"Just trust me on this and stick to the plan." I replied.

"Your crazy." Gajeel shook his head.

"Yes, Yeas I am." I nodded.

"But still you can die out there." Mira said.

"I'm fully aware of that." I sighed.

"Fine. It's your choice but if you lose and your still alive we're the one who will kill you." Gajeel joked.

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes.


Larcade's Pov

Alvarez may not be complete but I'm pretty sure we are more than enough to destroy my Uncle.

Since Invel's dead, he's out of the picture. The only ones left are August, Jacob, Ajeel, Wahl, and God Serena.

Alegria will commence in three days' time just like the wedding.


No one's Pov

A tall and slender woman walked into the reception desk of the hotel.

"Hello, my name's Homura Kōgetsu and I have a note to deliver to Mister Natsu Dragneel," The lady said.

A/N: A Cameo from Homura from Hiro's new manga Edens Zero


Natsu's Pov

I sighed and removed my coat and it landed on my bed. Apparently I'm the only one in the room at the moment but something caught my eye. It's a small velvet box on my bedside table. I never own something like that or even anyone of the guys. Out of curiosity I approached the box and realized there's a note with it. The handwriting is beautifully done making it obvious it's a girl's. And the note said.


I'm sorry bud. I'll explain everything when we met again. Good luck for tomorrow. Here's the ring I owe ya!




Lucy's Pov

I was near the window thinking deeply into my thoughts. I need to trust him it's the least thing I could do. Until his head suddenly popped up on the window shocking me.

"Don't you dare do that again." I held my chest.

"Sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"How do you even get here my room is way higher the library." I asked.

"Let's just say I know how to rock climb." He said climbing up on the window reviling the gear on his waist.

"I didn't know you can do that." I replied.

"Yeah, I never really told you because I'm not good at it. I even have some scratches on my hands see." He showed me his hands with scratches on it.

"Can't you just use a ladder or something." I inspected his injuries.

"Where the hell can I find a 70-foot ladder at a time like this." He replied rolling his eyes.

"But still your injured." I said.

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