Chapter XIX: Tale of two Brothers

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Natsu's Pov

"I think I owe my lady a story." I said.

"There is no need to rush." Lucy replied.

"I insist." I smiled back.

"Now, where to start, I know, so my brother and I have a very huge age gap if I'm 25 now he's supposed to be 44 right about now." I started.

"Wow, that is a lot." Lucy commented.

"I was just one when my parents died so I don't remember anything about them as a child I consider Onii-Chan as my dad and all I know that Onii-Chan went through lots of troubles just to make people pay for our parents' death and he's already married to Mavis my sisters-in-law." I continued.

"I feel bad for you." Lucy said.

"Don't be because that's just the beginning. Onii-Chan and Nee-Chan are always busy so I was taken care of my Uncle Igneel every time there away. Onii-Chan is successful on his mission and finally gave our parents the justice they deserve and in the process made Tartaros but it never lasted Onii-Chan disbanded the group and I don't know why. Onii-Chan never actually talked about how our parents died but all I know it's because of a plane crash. Then after that Larcade, my nephew came in and I was only two at that time which leads to a very short age gap between the both of us and I know it's weird. Then Onii-Chan started preparing for a war that gave birth to Alvarez. Larcade and I are in high school at that time. Then few years after with just one snap Onii-Chan was killed together with nee-Chan in front of me and Larcade we never saw the face since he's wearing a mask." I continued.

"I always blame myself for it because if I was just strong enough I could've saved them." I added.

"Don't be its not your fault." Lucy smiled.

" That's what everyone said. Soon after Alvarez crumbled into dust. During the time Larcade and I are already in college. To support our studies financially Uncle Igneel took over. After I graduated I received my inheritance. I got the company and Tartaros which is surprising they still exist. Then after Larcade graduated he's tasked to bring back Alvarez. I insisted to gave Larcade but he refuses and left. After that, I started my way to avenge my brother meeting many great and amazing people mainly the gang. Then later on Uncle Igneel was killed in a plane crash leaving me all alone. But I thank the others for supporting me and helping me go through it. Especially Gray. But then I met Ashley, my first girlfriend." I continued.

"Oh, so I'm not the first." Lucy nodded.

"Trust me I like you better that woman is scary but then again she's the reason why I don't feel alone. But then everything changed after she was killed during a mission. She's already on her death bed when she forbid me to visit her until there's already someone who's making my life complete again. And that was three years ago. Then you came in." I finished.
(A/N: I suck at backstories.)

"That was a lot to take in I'm sorry." Lucy said.

" it's fine is somewhat feel a little bit better now." I smiled.

"You still haven't told me why your hair is salmon." She asked.

"Oh that my natural hair color is white completely opposite to my brother's black hair. Then Gajeel dared me to dye my hair salmon then I liked it so a stuck with it." I replied.
(A/N: I support a headcanon that's made by someone on Tumblr. Natsu's hair is not actually salmon but white then during his END days he killed a lot of people then their blood got stuck on his hair and it won't come off. And he ended up having salmon-colored hair.)

"It does look good on you." Lucy commented.

"I appreciate the compliment." I smiled.

Lucy's Pov

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