Chapter XII: Francis Morgan is out

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Natsu's Pov

I wonder what's Ed going to do with this Shou guy. With his expression last night I bet he's gonna brutally murder him.

I and the others are going back home and I seem to notice that Lucy's a bit off.

"Hey what's wrong you sick or something," I asked.

She looked at me and slightly smiled "I'm fine don't worry about it"

We reached the rooftop then ride back to Tokyo.


Lucy's Pov

I went back home to put my stuff back, I'll come back to work sooner or later anyway. I then saw Auntie in her work clothes.

"Lucy, I'll be out for the day are you alright by yourself here," Auntie said.

"Of course." I smiled and waved her goodbye.

Natsu's Pov

"That's all and thank you for your time Mr. Dragneel" a client stood up from his chair and bowed slightly before he left my office.

If I remember correctly my next appointment is with Levy. I looked over my glass wall and saw the short bluenette.

"Lucy sent Mrs. Redfox in," I said over the mic.

And by that Levy came in and sat on my visitor's chair.

"Why are you here," I asked.

"Oh, nothing important just here inform you that according to my research Morgan is roaming free around Tokyo since last week." She said.

"You kidding." I raised a brow.

"My facts don't lie Natsu." She replied proudly. "So what's the plan" she added.

"I'm bringing it," I said with a grin plastered on my face.

"Interesting, So it's tonight then," she said and stood up from her chair.

"Yeah, I also met a client last night and he gave me some pretty nice info about Francis Morgan," I smirked.

"Oh really."

"Morgan is going to be the first one to fall" I smirked.

As Levy exited my office Lucy comes in holding an envelope.

"What's that," I asked.

"Um... Juvia gave this to me earlier before she left she said to gave this to you after your appointment" she placed the envelope on my desk and by the seal I can already tell it's from Gramps.

"Thanks" I took the envelope and she left.

I took my pocket knife to separate the seal from the envelope for me to open it. Is he already put or something. I opened the letter and read it.

Natsu my boy,

According to Laxus you already know who are you supposed to be after. No worries about me. My condition is getting better no need to visit I know you're busy. And if you still think about pushing out your feelings away just remember what I always told you "It is love that can make you strong but it is also love that can make you weak". I hope I can see you again with that smile plastered on your face. I want to see you truly happy again Natsu. You deserve it.

                                                   Makarov Dreyer

I can't help to be touched by his letter. Can't say I'm surprised he always makes me realize something. And now I think after many years I'm willing to try and take that risk. I'm already receiving so many signs that I have to. Gramps is right I deserve to be happy. Speaking of Happy might as well bring him to the office since I'm going to his vet for his monthly checkup tomorrow. Now for tonight. Need to load that baby. I contacted Gajeel's number.

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