Chapter XLI: The Letter

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*inserts random emoji*


No one's pov

Natsu and everyone beside him stared at the building in front of them.

"I'm fucking tired. Let's make this quick." Natsu gritted his teeth.

Meanwhile inside Natsu's office.

"Larcade can you hear me." Levy said over an earpiece.

"Loud and clear."

"Alright just give me the coordinates of the bomb I need to activate and please keep on your cover." Levy said.

"Got it Tiny lady." Larcade snickered.

On the rooftop of Anhkresam's building

"This whole idea is so fucking crazy and I hate it." Gray claimed.

"Don't be like that." Acno smiled.

"You people really need to get your facts straight because only an insane person would do this." Juvia said who is standing right next to Lucy who nodded.

"I thought you two were the best in this kind of stuff?" Acno questioned.

"Not entirely." Juvia softly replied.

"I've done this once. I almost got killed." Gray said.

"You think your role is bad. Try putting yourself in my shoes!!" Juvia shouted but not so loud for people noticing.


"Larcade?!" Gajeel entered the hall putting his act on.

"Oh, it's only you?" Larcade asked and gave Gajeel a "Let's start" look and Gajeel nodded pulling out two katanas.

Grand hall

"Hey, boss!!" A voice echoed through the room only for a man with blond hair and green eyes dragging Lucy inside the room.

"Look who I found!" The man said in a sing-song tone.

"Ah, the girl." Ankhresam smirked.

Lucy can't really talk because her mouth is tied with a white cloth.

"Send her in." Ankresam instructed and the man placed the blonde close to his boss.

"Good work Ivan." Ankresam said and the man just smiled and walked away.

Ivan exited the and room and sighed.



"Alright, this is the room." Acno said as he and the woman entered.

The room was normal for someone like Ankresam a bunch of papers stacked on the table and books scattered on the floor.

"What are we looking for?" The woman asked.

"A letter with this monogram on it." Ankresam said showing a picture of a family crest in the shape of a snake on his phone and the woman nodded and the two went to work.


"What a pleasant surprise." A man with long brown hair tied into a low ponytail with dark green eyes said.

"Who are you?" Erza asked.

"The name is Benedict. Anhkresam's advisor." Benedict snickered. "And this will be your last stay." He fired a gun and chaos began.

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