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The trio walks into the house that is the emblem of cliche parties when a brown haired boy and a black haired boy walk up to them.

"Glad you could make it, Yoongs." The brown haired male exclaims as he shakes hands with the aforementioned male.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." The blonde says as he shakes hands with the other guy.

"So where is the host?" Yoongi asks as Jin walks off with Jimin and Jungkook.

"You're going to be super surprised." The younger said as he lead the older to the back yard.

Yoongi was interested when he saw a figure outside, leaning on the railing but facing away from the house. The silhouette had smoke clouds around the man and the other feminine figures to either side of the mystery figure.

Namjoon opened the sliding door and the figure in question turned around as Namjoon flicked on the porch light.

The now visible guy was leaning back against the railing, this time facing the duo as he brought a beer bottle to his mouth.

"You haven't changed one bit." The man said with a smile as the girls ran their hands up and down his torso.

"Do I know you?" Yoongi asked and the other male laughed, Namjoon quickly leaving the scene.

"Is it not obvious?"

"No, it's not. Tell me who you are before I punch that smile off your face."

"Aw come on. You are no fun. Still."

"Tell me who the fuck you are." Yoongi says as he clenched his fists and closed his eyes.

"Hello Yoongi, my name is Jung Hoseok." The younger said as he gave the bottle to one of the girls who took a swig and passed it to the other girls. Hoseok stuck his hand out for Yoongi to shake.

Yoongi ignored the hand and said, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I moved into town a few weeks ago and met Joon in the cafe I work at. I asked him what he was doing for his birthday and he told me what he had planned. I had to save you guys from a night of Yahtzee and Bingo. You're welcome." Hoseok said as he put is hand back in his pocket.

"Why do you seem so calm?"

"Because I am. I just had some good weed. Besides, I've moved on from our past. I would hope that you did too." Hoseok says as he takes a new beer bottle from one of the girls.

"Want one?" Hoseok asks after downing a lot of the bottle.

"No. I'm not gonna get drunk or high because I still have a shit load of people here that will be asking for a ride home."

"Alright. But do me a favor and stay out here with me."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because we have a lot of catching up to do. I hear you're getting pretty famous."

"I have a few hundred subscribers on YouTube and Spotify. Not famous, barely known."

"I could hook you up with a company." Hoseok takes another drink, the girls still being handsy.

"I don't want to be signed to a company. If I did, I would have signed up in middle school."

"Hey, I'm just trying to help a brother out."

"You are so weird when you're drunk." Yoongi says as he pulls himself onto the railing perpendicular to Hoseok's.

"Yeah, well, no one is really themselves when they're drunk."

"Ah, but that's when the truth spills, is it not?" Yoongi asks, silently agreeing to stick around the slightly tipsy male for some unknown reason.

- - -

A/N: If you couldn't tell, I'm going back and editing everything because there is a chance this is getting translated! Can I get a heck yeah? Honestly, not a lot is going to change, I' just fixing things up and making sure everything makes sense. Also, I'm better at writing now so I'm going to fix maybe some minor syntax issues.

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