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A/N: Scarlett Johansson is a visual representation of Erin, who you will meet in this chapter. I am in no way assuming sexualities of any one person, just using her as a representation.

"Boys, I made dinner."

Dawon knocked on Hoseok's door, scared to walk in and find something she didn't want to see.

"We'll be right down." Hoseok says quietly, trying not to wake up Yoongi who was literally on top of him, asleep.

Dawon walked away and went downstairs, hugging the person standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Are you gonna tell him?"

"Yeah. But his friend is here."


"I don't know, this is just a really stressful thing for us. After all that's happened in the past week, I don't know how he'll handle it."

"It doesn't matter baby. We've got each other and that's all that matters."

Meanwhile upstairs...

"Yoongo boongo. Yoongs. Suga. Agust D. Ugh, wake up shorty!" Hoseok yells, the younger still not moving.

Hoseok, being the intelligent man he is, decides to do the brightest thing in the world.

He slaps Yoongi's ass.

"Yo, what was that for?" Yoobgi sits up, unknowingly straddling the younger. (I'm keeping Yoobgi because it is now iconic to me.)

"You wouldn't wake up!"

"So what gives you the right to smack my ass?"

"You were laying on top of me and I wasn't gonna kiss you!"

"That would have hurt less!"

"Would you have rathered me kiss you?"

"Bro, I didn't mean it th-"

"Dinner is ready." Hoseok says, pushing Yoongi off him.

It was at this moment Yoongi knew... he fucked up.

Yoongi followed Hoseok out of the bedroom and down the stairs at lightning speed.

"Why are you so mad at me?"

"Because I can be."

"There has got to be a logical reason inside that smartass head if yours."

"Even if there was one, I wouldn't tell you." Hoseok said, turning around at the bottom of the stairs, Yoongi still on the last step. Neither realised how close they were until the younger had turned around and they could feel each other's breaths.

"So, are you guys gonna fuck or what?" A woman says from the kitchen.

Both boys look over to find an American woman standing on the other side of the island Dawon eating a grape as she leant on the counter.

"I, um-"

"You see-"

Both boys try speaking at the same time but the woman puts up a hand and closes her eyes.

"Your sister has something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Um, Hoseok... this is Erin."

"Nice to meet you." Erin says as she shakes Hoseok's hand.

She shakes Yoongi's hand as he introduces himself and Dawon suggests sitting down to eat.

- - -

A/N: This might get a bit vulgar so hold on. WE REACHED 1K VIEWS AHHHHHHHH!!!! Listen, I never expected this book to get this far. Honestly, I think it's shit but someone out there doesn't so I mean I'm down to keep writing and updating. Thanksgiving was last week but I am so so so thankful for all of you. There may only be ten but you are still reading and it is still boosting my confidence which probably isnt a good thing. Anyways, just wanted to mention that. Super excited. Also, smut? You tell me ;) ...I hate myself now. Oh yeah, gonna update on Tuesdays and Thursdays now. Okay I'm done now. Bye!

(EDIT) who gave me coffee? also sorry for inconsistency 🤷‍♀️

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