
3.1K 148 70

"I'm just saying, it's a piece of meat between two carbohydrates. If you want to get super technical, then you could go as far as to say that raviolis are sandwiches. Therefore making pierogies sandwiches the only difference is they have potato- wait, a potato sandwich. Ugh, now I'm hungry."

"What goes through your head?"

"A lot of kinky shit, baby. And I'm willing to show you if you're willing to see it."

"How about sometime when you're not at work, hm?" Jin asks.

Jin has recently been promoted to manager of the cafe and is running it like all of his employees are his children and he's like a really chill dad. Just a really chill dad that pays you and basically runs your life- okay he ran it like a really chill manager that would put his foot down when he needed to.

"Hey, that'd be a good idea." Yoongi agrees.

"Y-you guys can't team up against me like that, that's not fair." Hoseok says, pretending to be sad.

"Oh yes we can. We're the two most important people in your life." Jin says I  defense.

"My boyfriend... and my friend?"

"No, dumbass. You're boyfriend and your boss." Yoongi says.

"It's still not fair."

"Oh shut up, you're the youngest out of the three of us. We get to tease you like this." Jin says.

"Especially me. I'm gonna go home and order dinner. The usual?"

"The usual. I'll see you when I get home." Hoseok says.

- - -

"Daddy?" A voice asks as Hoseok enters his home.

"Minchul! Come here baby!" Hoseok says as he drops his jacket and the five year old runs to him.

Yeah, Hoseok still worked at the cafe but it was really just something that he did to keep himself busy. Because now, Yoongi was a big producer. Like super huge.

Seven years ago, the boys decided they loved each other and that they wanted to take one big step.

They have happily been married for seven years and five of those have been occupied with their son, Minchul.

Minchul's mother was a teen mother and didn't think she was ready for parenthood. So when she went to give her baby up for adoption, she met Yoongi and Hoseok and absolutely feel in love with them (platonically of course).

"How was your day, Daddy?"

"It was good because I got to see you! How was your day Minchi?"

"Papa took me to see Cars 4 and then we got ice cream and then he bought me a new shirt and a cake for you. But he told me not to tell you. Wait-" Minchul says before he starts crying and Yoongi enters the room.

"What's wrong baby?" Yoongi asks, patting Minchul's back.

"I'm so sorry Papa. I didn't mean to."

"What did you not mean to do, Minchi?"

"I told Daddy about the cake. 'm sorry."

"It's okay, baby. Come here." Yoongi says, squatting and hugging the sniffling boy. Soon, Hoseok hugs the two and then a tickle war starts and neither Hoseok nor Yoongi stop until Minchul is crying from laughing so hard.

"How about you go get that thing you picked out for Daddy and I'll go get the cake, okay Minchi?" Yoongi asks, ruffling the child's hair.

"Okay Papa." Minchul says before running off to his room.

"He's adorable."

"I know. I typically don't like kids but I'm so glad we decided to adopt him. Although it is kinda hard sometimes when I'm working on something and he comes to show me his dinosaurs eating the matchbox cars."

"Oh come on, you and I both know you love it."

"You're right."

"Daddy! Look I what I got for you!" Minchul says as he runs to the couple with a balloon and a card in his hand.

Dear Daddy,

I had Papa write this so that you didn't get sad when you didn't get a card from Papa. I love you Daddy! You are the best cuddle giver and the best hug giver and the best kissie giver and the best high fiver and the best ice cream scooper. And I really like it when you being me cups of hot chocolate. Thank you Daddy for living so long. I hope you don't die since you are like really old now.

Minchul and Papa

"Aw, Minchi, I love it. I'm going to tape it up on the wall."

"Really Daddy?"

"Of course baby. And I'll bring you some hot chocolate home tomorrow."

"Thank you Daddy!"

"Anything for my Minchi."

- - -

A/N: There are so many things to say.
1. Minchul is fucking adorable.
3. 4K?!?!?!
4. What am I doing with my life?
5. I got unlimited data now, hell yeah.
6. Um, we're moving.
8. I officially hate factoring.
9. Fuck off KJ. See, I can do something right.

Anyways, you are the best readers as you previously read. Um yeah thank you for reading my work, it means the world to me. Until next time my guys.

(EDIT) 1. minchul is still adorable but not as adorable as Youngsoo.
3. 35k?!?!?!
4. Still have no idea what I'm doing with my life.
5. AT&T kind of sucks, but still got unlimited data so that's a plus.
6. Um, we moved.
8. Still hate factoring but now I don't have to do it.
9. Still hate KJ. He's a jerk. But it's okay because I'm taking more AP classes than he is.

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