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When Yoongi walked in with Hoseok and Taehyung, Namjoon was shocked. Namjoon knew what happened between Yoongi and Hoseok during high school because he was there for it. The last thing he expected was for Yoongi to walk into an ice cream shop with his so called enemy and his roommate.

"Hey guys, I'm Taehyung, Hoseok's roommate." Taehyung stood at the end of the table as he looked at all of the new faces.

"I'm Namjoon, this is Seokjin or Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook."

Taehyung sat down next Yoongi who was scrolling through his phone already as Hoseok barely peered over his shoulder to see what he was doing.

Hoseok was not normally a very curious person but he was so skeptical around Yoongi because of their past. Besides, he had always considered the older an interesting person.

"So who's up for it?"

"Up for what?" Hoseok couldn't lie, he hadn't been paying attention to the conversation.

"A poly relationship."

"Dude, I'd so be down." Taehyung states causing everyone to turn to him.

"I mean come on, you get the benefits of cheating and dating in one. That sounds like a party."


"So long as we don't try to do a three way kiss." Jimin snuggles closer to Jungkook who smile at Taehyung.

"I don't know what just happened but I'm not opposed." Hoseok whispers in Yoongi's ear. Yoongi looks up at everyone, hums in agreement, and goes back to his phone.

"Dude, you've been on that thing the whole time. What are you doing?" Namjoon asks the blonde.


"It's porn." Jimin deadpans and the entire looks to him with mixed glances. Yoongi is glaring at him while everyone else looks to him in shock.

"Why would I be watching porn in the middle of an ice cream shop with my friends?"

"Aw, I'm your friend?" Hoseok perks up at the statement.

"Not the point."

"I don't know. You've done some scandalous things before."

"Like what?"

"You had sex in a club that one time."

"You did what?" Hoseok's eyes almost pop out of his head at Yoongi and Jimin's conversation.

"I went home with the dude!"

"It was a guy?!"

"And probably had more sex at home!"

"Would you shut up?" Yoongi states but his voice has dropped a few octaves scaring the living daylight out of the three youngest. Namjoon was used to it, Hoseok had been victim to the voice plenty of times before, and Jin was barely affected by things like low voices. I mean, come on, look at who his boyfriend is!

"I went home with the guy, we had sex once, and it wasn't even all the way, okay? Besides, my sex life means nothing to any of you."

The table was quiet for a minute and Yoongi took that as a sign that they understood. Jimin was cute and Yoongi did have a soft spot for the red head, but there were times when he just took it too far. Instead of yelling at him and telling him this, he simply corrected the younger and boy did that knock some sense into him for a while.

- - -

A/N: This book is better than my others but it still sucks. Hello to my one new reader. Yes I saw you. Anyways, hope you all had a good day and a good week. I hope the rest of your week goes well and I'm always here if you need anything. Oops, the mom jumped out.

(EDIT) At least the VSKSKSKO girl didn't jump out.

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