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"Hyung, wake up. Taehyung made us breakfast."

"I thought he had a photoshoot."

"His next photoshoot isn't for another two weeks."

"He told me he had one this morning when he ran off from the movie last night."

"When did that happen?"

"After you fell asleep."

"Then how-"

"I carried you to your room and laid back down on the couch."

Hoseok squints his eyes, stands up all the way, puts his hands on his hips, and says, "Well Taehyung made pancakes. Get your lazy butt up and eat 'em."

The two stare at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter which causes Taehyung to run in and scream, "WHAT THE FRICK HAPPENED? HYUNG I TOLD YOU NOT TO LAUGH WITHOUT ME."

The room goes silent yet again for a few seconds before the laughter comes at a louder volume than before.

Yoongi hadn't laughed this hard in a long time and he was glad that he got to laugh with Hoseok and Taehyung. Jimin and Jungkook got too mushy too fast, Jin was always all over Namjoon who always had his arm around his boyfriend. His other friends weren't close enough for him to want to laugh like this with them. There was just something about Taehyung that was hilarious and Hoseok made him smile by entering his thoughts.

"Hyungs, come eat before it gets cold!" Taehyung cheers and the older two follow him to the kitchen where they all find spots on the counter to eat their chocolate chip pancakes.

"So Yoongi-hyung, do you have any other friends in town?" Taehyung asks with syrup around his full mouth that frowned as he chewed.

"Yeah, but they're weird."

"Dude, I want to meet them more now! I love weird people!"

"Alright. I'll set something up. You down for ice cream?"

"Uh, only always. You are honestly the best hyung I have ever met." Taehyung says before stuffing his mouth full of pancake.

"Dude what about me?" Hoseok asks.

"You're alright." Taehyung says through a bunch of pancakes.

"Come on, Hobi here is a good hyung." Yoongi says in a fatherly tone.

"Like you would know." Hoseok retorts.

"I've known you longer than he has." Yoongi says insightfully.

"Yeah but I was never your hyung." Hoseok says, pointing to his head.

"Doesn't matter. I decided you are a good hyung and that's the end of that." Yoongi says rather childishly.

The room is yet again silent before fits of laughter break out, causing all three of the twenty-something year old men to hold their stomachs in oh so enjoyable pain.

- - -

Hey, you wanna meet up and get
some ice cream?

Sure, where at? When?

That place over by Jimin's
apartment in thirty minutes.

Whole crew?

Yeah. Don't even try to invite
Hoseok though.

😂 You really hate him
don't you?
Read at 9:48 AM

- - -

A/N: Texts are in the person on the right's POV as I'm sure you gathered. Here they were in Yoongi's POV. Don't need to explain that but oh well 🤷‍♀️. Also, I came up with a new story idea and it is for sure the next one to come out. It is definitely one of my prized possessions (not really). If you want to know about it then tell me and I'll see about putting a little sneak peak up or something. Later ma doodes 💚

(EDIT) I don't remember which book I was talking about.

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