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"Where to now?"

"My house?"


The two boys walk down the sidewalk in silence, the younger slightly ahead of the older so he can lead the way to his apartment.

"So what have you been up to since high school?"

"I'm an underground rapper. You?"

"I got my degree in physical art, which is basically dancing, I don't know why they called it that. Anyways, now I dance for a company. So I'm like, back up dancer, dance teacher, guidance, you know, the person in the background that does most of it."

"Is that not stressful?"

"Not if you love it."

"Kudos to you."

"And you too."

"Why me?"

"I can only imagine how hard underground rapping is, Yoongi-hyung."

"I guess you're right."

The duo enter a building that looks just like the rest of them: gray and plain.

"So how is rapping treating you?" Hoseok asks as they walk through the lobby to the elevator.

"Good, I guess. I've got a few singles out and I'm working my mixtape."

"What's your rap name?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"So I can listen to your stuff?"

"I'll think about showing you some of my stuff someday."

"Goodie!" Hoseok says as he jumps a little and claps his hands. Yoongi scoffs as he side eyes the younger.

"You are still a child, aren't you?"

"My favorite rapper just told me he might show me some of his stuff. Of course I'm gonna act like this."

"I thought you didn't know my rap name?" Yoongi crosses his arms with a smile as he faces the brown haired.

"I never... said that. I just asked what your rap name was..." Hoseok trails off as he nervously fiddles with his hands.

Yoongi hums in response, his arms still crossed and smile still skeptical.

The two stay in silence until Hoseok opens the door to his apartment.

"So this is the crib."

"Don't ever say that again."

"What? The word soo?"

"No, idiot, 'the crib'. You make me cringe."

"Alright, Agust D."

Hoseok laughs as a look of feigned hurt washes over Yoongi. He gasps and puts a hand over his heart but his next words do not match his playful appearance.

Yoongi never had been able to be this open and... fun around anyone. He didn't understand why he wanted to be so playful and open with Hoseok, but it just happened. And he wasn't complaining.

"Do not make fun of my rap name. It isn't just a bunch of random letters put together. It actually has a meaning to it."

"And what might that meaning be?"

Hoseok has a smile on his face as the two stand in his living room, joking around with each other when the door opened, cutting Yoongi's explanation off.

"Oh, hyung, I didn't know you were gonna have someone over." The male says as he enters with a few grocery bags.

"We just met at the cafe and wanted to talk for a moment. What are you doing home? I thought you had work."

"I did. But apparently the deal didn't go through so they let me come home." The youngest of the three states before looking back over to Yoongi. He sets the bags down and sticks his hand out for Yoongi to shake while saying, "I don't know where my manners went. I'm Kim Taehyung, Hoseok's roommate."

Yoongi shakes the outstretched hand and says, "I'm Min Yoongi, an old friend of Hoseok's."

- - -

A/N: updating a day early because I dont have school and these chapters are burning a whole in my phone. I'm so ready to get these out there. but it's all good because there is literally no one reading this book. woo!

(EDIT) Woot woot! I'm gonna start editing four chapters a day so that's it for today.

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