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"Hey, Yoongs. I won't be able to talk for a while but I wanted you to know that I'm okay. Taehyung told me you were worried. Don't be. Miss you."

Yoongi cursed himself for leaving his phone on silent last night.

"Goddammit, Yoongi. You could have talked to him! But nooo, we have to sleep! All the time!" Yoongi rambled to himself as he got ready for the day.

On a normal day, Yoongi slept until eight, ate dinner, got ready for work, and left the house at ten.

The past two days, he woke up at nine in the morning with Hoseok. Granted it was during the week and he got home before six that morning.

It was currently three in the afternoon, and the only thing that woke him was someone knocking on his front door. Worried it was Hoseok, he rushed to answer the door. Turns out it was a bunch of Boy Scouts that were absolutely horrified because the blonde had opened the door in his underwear.

He also got a weird stare from a kid who looked like his name was Andrew. He was just that kind of kid.

"Sorry kids, I just have my cards."

"We have a card reader." The Andrew-looking kid says as he holds up his phone that has a card swipe attached to the top.

"Um, okay... What kinds of popcorn do you have?"

Some other kid rambles on about, like, twelve different kinds of popcorn and donations and all kinds of Boy Scout related stuff. Yoongi went back into his apartment, grabbing his debit card and slips on some pants.

- - -

"Yoongs, come on. It's not that high!"

"The things I do for you..." Yoongi trails off as the brunette leads him to the huge Ferris Wheel with clowns on the side of the carriages.

This was turning into a nightmare. Fast.

The two boys went up on the wheel and the air around them changed. Yoongi looked around to find that the carriage was no longer enclosed. Yoongi stepped forward to hold onto Hoseok, but he threw the balance off and the cart tilted, sending Hoseok stumbling backwards. Yoongi was caught up in steadying the carriage and he missed how close Hoseok was to the edge.

"Yoongi!" Hoseok screamed as he fell backwards, leaving the cart to tilt back the other way, sending Yoongi falling off the cart like the younger had seconds before.

Yoongi layed immobile on the pavement, Hoseok no longer screaming in pain. He closed his eyes and when he opened them there was a form of Hoseok looking down at him.

The only problem was that he was dressed as a clown and was reaching for Yoongi's throat. When he had almost reached the older's neck, he morphed to reaper-like form, still sporting Hoseok's smile but in a twisted and morbid way.

"Hoseok, please!"

- - -

Yoongi sat up, hands going to his neck to make sure it was intact. Just as he was beginning to calm down and the sweat on his body was cooling, his phone started ringing, bringing him back to reality.

- - -

(EDIT) Today is going to SUCK

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