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Yoongi jumped when his name was yelled, awaking him from a dream he wished was true.

He took it so well. But that was a dream, Yoongi. Hoseok in real life wouldn't take it that well. I mean, come on. You were his bully! Just because he acts friendly doesn't mean he forgave y-

"Earth to Yoongi."

"Sorry. What did you say?"

"I asked you what you were dreaming about."

Yoongi blushes but the dark covers it. It's also at this time that he realizes that they are, yet again, in an intimate position.

"You know, the normal things. Lambos, mansions, ramen for days."

"So you hump your cars?" Hoseok's smile shines bright, even in the dark where it's hard to see.

"Oh my God, no. Ew, why would I do that?"

"You were humping my side and moaning."

"Really? Are you sure I wasn't just quaking?"

"Your hips were rolling. I'm sure."


"Who were you dreaming about?" Hoseok queries as Yoongi rolls over to his side of the bed.

"A person." Yoongi stands and stretches before walking to the bathroom.

Hoseok chuckles as he runs a hand through his hair.

- - -

Yoongi exits the bathroom and walks to the bedroom to be met with a made bed, no sign of the younger. Yoongi goes to the living room, also no sign of the brunette.

Yoongi continues looking for Hoseok, worried the ball of sunshine was trying to scare him. All he found was a note on the fridge.

Sorry, hyung. I got a call from my family and it was urgent. I'll text you next time I'm free.
- Hoseok

The blonde sighed. He had finally worked up the confidence to tell Hoseok all of the things he felt and thought. Yoongi hoped the younger and his family was okay, continuing his daily routine.

- - -

"Get your hands up if you're having fun!" Yoongi yelled into the mic as he looked at the crowd.

The crowd erupted into yells and turned from a sea of heads to an ocean of hands.

"You guys know, there is no party like an AOMG party, so get ready for this next song!" Yoongi shouted before putting on Jay Park's Ain't No Party Like An AOMG Party.

He let the song go because it didn't need anything extra for the club. He left the stand and made his way to the bar where Namjoon was taking and making orders.

"What's up?" Namjoon asked as he leaned on the counter.

"Have you talked to Hoseok?"

"No, why?"

"He left this morning and told me his parents called. He said he'd call me when he was free but I haven't heard anything from him."

"Did you try talking to Taehyung?"

"No, forgot about that kid."

"Ask him, he would know." Namjoon said as his eyes made their way to the crowd. Yoongi followed his stare and found Taehyung with Jimin and Jungkook, all grinding on each other and drinking beer.

Yoongi walked to the younger and pulled him to the side.

"Oh, Yoongi-hyung! What's up ma dude?"

"Have you talked to Hoseok?"

"Not since this morning. His mom needed him back in Gwangju."


"But hyung, last time this happened, he came back broken. You need to be very careful and caring around him. But I'll let you know if I hear anything."

"Thanks, Taehyung."

- - -

A/N: That first part is probably my favorite out of the entire book.

(EDIT) It's not my favorite part anymore.

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