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"Knocking some serious wisdom into her I see."

Yoongi swivels in his chair to find Jin standing behind him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to make sure you were okay. You've been distant recently and then you just disappeared so we sent out a search party for you."


"Don't worry, I told them that you were found but that I wasn't sharing whereabouts. I figured you wanted to be alone."

"You know me a lot more than I thought."

"Of course. As the oldest brother, I feel as if it is my job to at least be able to read my younger brothers. Despite the hard shell you put up, you were quite easy to figure out."

Abbigail and Kaylin had been silent until now but they decided the conversation was too private for them to watch.

"Thanks hyung." Yoongi says as Jin sits down next to him at the table.

"So what are you guys doing after this?"

"We're going to a party."

"That's fun."

"Yes it is."

"Can I come with?"


- - -

As parties are normally explained in the most basic of basic fanfics, the party was loud. And as usual, Yoongi didn't like the smell or the party life. But he was here to forget. Except, he wasn't at a bar.

"Hey, I've got some friends somewhere in here. I'm gonna go find them, you find the alcohol." Abbigail said before dragging Kaylin away.

"I'm sure the drinks are that way." Jin said as he nodded to a spot behind Yoongi.

"How do you know?"

"There's a current. You go in this side, out the other, through the pit, and back again."

Without another word, both boys make their way through all of the basic people you would find at a basic college party.

"Fireball or whiskey?"

"Vodka. Maybe you don't know me as well as you said you did." Yoongi says with a smile as he pours a good amount of some random flavored vodka into a purple solo cup because why not.

"Yoongi! Jin!" A female calls out and both males turn to the sound of their names to find six women standing on the other side of the island.

"This is Lisa, Jennie, Rose, and Jisoo. Girls, this is Yoongi and Jin."

Hello's were exchanged along with hand shakes and purple solo cups.

"Um, code pink." Jin says just above a whisper and it surprised Yoongi that he could actually hear it.

"What's going on?"

"The rest are on their way."


"Kaylin shared our location."

"Oh shit. Can we hide?"

"Yoongi, no. Just drink a cup or two so it won't matter when they get here."

"You're right." Yoongi says and he takes the whole cup in one chug, coming up for air and releasing an audible breath at the burn.

He pours double the original cup's amount in the cup again and downs that no problem too.

"You sure you don't like alcohol?"

"I've drank before and vodka is my favorite so I'd take it even if it burned."

"And that's a real man."

- - -

A/N: I just realized that I wrote this back in early September. Man, time flies when you're living. Also, still can't believe so many of you like this. I love that you guys at least like this a little. We're so close guys. So close. And remember, if you ever need to talk, my pm's are always open 😁 See you guys on Christmas!

(EDIT) and here I am in early September editing it. full circle my guys.

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