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"Okay, so if you had to choose between me or... Taehyung, who would you pick?" Yoongi asks as the two sit cross legged on the younger's bed.

"You." It comes out blunt and not endearing like he meant.

"Why me?"

"I'll tell you someday."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I'm not ready to tell you."

A knock sounds through the room and Hoseok says it's open, his sister opening the door.

"Hey, I was gonna go meet some friends, are you okay here?"


"Why not?"

"There is no way in hell I'm letting you out of this house alone after what happened just two days ago."


"Fight me all you want, I'm going with you."


"Don't worry, we'll stay away but not too far. That wouldn't have happened if I had been here and I'm not gonna let it happen again because I was here." Hoseok slides his jacket on and Yoongi slides his shoes on, understanding the urgency.

Yoongi has no idea what happened, but if it was enough to make Hoseok cry, he wasn't gonna let it happen again.


"Listen to your brother. I don't know what happened, but he's one of the smartest people I know. And I know he'll do whatever it takes to keep his loved ones safe. So I suggest you be glad your brother cares and don't let it get to your head that you practically have your own body guard."


Not long after, it's just the two boys and Yoongi looks over to find Hoseok's eyes teary.

"Oh baby." The blonde hugs the brunette and tries his best to comfort the younger who had broke down.

"Let's go." Hoseok dries his tears with a little sniffle, almost driving Yoongi crazy with how cute he was being.

- - -

"My mom was murdered."

The statement came from the brunette as they sat outside a small cafe, sitting next to each other and watching Hoseok's sister and her friends.


"It was my sperm donor. The police are currently tracking him. They know where he's at."


"She was mutilated. He left her in my sister's cubicle at the law firm she works at."

"Why did he do it?"

"Mom had refused him rights to see us and he had always been pissed about it. I didn't think he was this mad..."

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Eventually. Right now, I have to make sure Dawon is okay. And I'm gonna be the one that puts him away forever."

"What do I need to do to help?"

"Be my shoulder to cry on. I have a feeling that'll be happening a lot."

"Thank you." Yoongi says after a moment of silence that he mentally dedicated to Hoseok's mother.

"What for? If anything, it should be me and Dawon that are thankful."

"For giving me a second chance after all I did."

"Everyone deserves a second chance. Besides, I didn't hate you. You needed someone to take everything out on. I understood."

"I still feel horrible."

"Don't. The past is the past, Yoongs. Can't change it but you sure as hell can learn from it."

- - -

A/N: Well. That happened. Yo, I just got my inspiration for this book back. Took a little break and now that I'm back, it's just here. Also, I've learned the best time to write, at least for me, is at night. I like writing when I'm mad because I can take my anger out on the keyboard and then I write some cute shit and then I'm soft again and then I can sleep peacefully. I came out to my uncle last night and he was so supportive. He's the cool uncle. Anyways, happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it. Good bye for now!

(EDIT) speaking of being out, i may or may not be catching feelings for a straight christian girl *whips and runs away without closing the door*

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