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Yoongi had his arm stretched out with Hoseok's head on his shoulder. Hoseok had a leg across Yoongi's as they watched Finding Nemo on the younger's bed.

After Nemo had been swept up by the dentist, Yoongi's phone started buzzing. Yoongi apologized to Hoseok and left the room to answer the call.

"Hey Jo-"

"Is Hoseok okay?"

"I'm not sure yet."

"What the hell does that mean?" Taehyung asks.

"It means that I don't know because he hasn't opened up to me yet."

"You mean to tell me you have no idea what you are down there consoling him for?" Jungkook asks.

"I know what happened. I don't know how he feels."

"Well what happened?" Taehyung asks bluntly.

"That's for him to tell you. That's not my business."

"Is there anything you guys need?" This was asked by Jin (obviously) who sounded more concerned than the rest of the group.

"No. I somehow packed a bag before I drove down."

"Well keep us posted." Jimin stated. He sounds worried too.

"Will do Chimmy. I gotta go guys." Yoongi says as Dawon walks out of her room, slowing down when she noticed the blonde.

Yoongi heard various goodbyes before pressing the red dot on the screen.

"You really like him, don't you?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"Don't play dumb with me. And don't act like I don't know what happened in high school. Hoseok told me everything."

"Listen, I was out of my m-"

"I don't want excuses or explanations. That was years ago. So long as you take care of him now. And I swear to God, I will castrate you and shove it so far up your ass, you puke it out."

"That's a little graphic."

"And painful. Watch yourself Min."

Yoongi walks back in the bedroom, noticing Hoseok had fallen asleep. The blonde turns the movie off and gets in the bed next to the brunette. Hoseok automatically cuddles with Yoongi and vice versa.

It's not long after the two are comfortable and Hoseok says, "What did Namjoon want?"

"He was just checking up on us. I told him this morning I was down here and he flipped out on me."

"That sounds like something he would do."

"They were also asking about what happened." Yoongi whispers.

"What did you tell them?"

"That I would let you tell them if you wanted them to know."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"You drove an hour and a half for me in the middle of the night. I half expected the call to go to voicemail."

"Oh the amount of things I want to say."

"Say them."

"That would take to long."

"Then give me a basic idea."

"I'd sacrifice literally anything for the people I love and in the little bit of time we've gotten closer, you've wormed your way into that group of people. I don't know if it's because you just lost your mom or if it was just meant to happen, but it did and I'm really not complaining."

What Yoongi wanted to say is that the younger had worked his way back into the older's soft spot and he didn't intend on letting him leave this time.

- - -

A/N: No one reads the author's notes. but they're here in case you do read them but don't like responding to annoying ass authors. Anyways, if you do read this, I want you to know that I think I'm going to write two more chapter to finish this out and then we'll be finished with this book by January 8th. By two more chapters I mean chapter 30 and 31 because that's how much I've written already. yay. that was a bored yay in case you didn't catch that tone. I will also start publishing two chapters a week because otherwise it'll be most of the way through March before I finish this. I plan on starting a new book soon so that I have most of it written out through next June. Which we can discuss what next June is later if you wish to. Just thought I'd inform you that this book is coming to an end soon just in about two months. To be honest, I'm distracting myself right now which is the only reason I've written an entire freaking essay for an author's note. Okay, I gotta question. Do you guys want me to publish two times a week or just both chapters on Tuesday? If I did publish it two different times it would probably be Tuesday and Thursday or Friday. Definitely gonna keep Tuesday a publishing day. So yeah, just spout off your comments in the comments (duh) and I'll listen to them. Also, huge thank you to everyone who reads this. I've noticed I got a few more new readers and that my reads are spiking. I don't know if it's just by accident like you accidentally click the notification and instead of backing out you just scroll to the bottom and leave that way or if I actually have new readers. Either way, I'm so thankful. Which I guess lines right up with Thanksgiving being two days away. Oh shit, this is probably scaring you guys. You're probably gonna look at this and skip it cause it's so long. Oh well. Guess that's what I have to deal with. Good bye for now my precious readers.

(EDIT) sorry^^

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