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"Hoseok, you fucking bastard. That is not happening again. Hell no. Ow shit shit shit shit shit shit fuuuuuuuuck. Fucking bastard fucktard shit bitch. Ahhhhhhh!" Yoongi says as he stands and wobbles to the bathroom.

"What was that again?"

"I said you're a fucking bastard. It hurts to fucking walk! There is no way in Purgatory I am letting last night happen again!"

See, what had happened was Hoseok came home turned on as fook because Yoongi showed up at the cafe in short shorts, fishnet tights, Doc Martens, and a crop top. But he didn't just show up fine as hell, he had to sway his hips and this and that and... Anyways, Hoseok was turned on.

But not only was Hoseok horny, he was also in the mood for being kinky. However, Yoongi was not, so he settled for taking a dick and a dildo up his ass at the same time.

And now he was paying for it.

"I told you, let me treat you like a king today. What do you want for breakfast?" Hoseok asks as he lifts Yoongi off his feet.

"That diqué." Yoongi says as he is softly placed on the bed.

"Whatever you wish for babe."

"No! I was joking!"

"I know. So what do you want for breakfast?"

"Waffles and more sleep."

"Then I'll go grab you some waffles. You sleep while I'm gone, okay?"

Yoongi nods as he pulls the covers on the bed up like a turtle.

- - -

"It's minute five without my Hobi. I'm not sure how much longer I can last. I've used all of the cute memories of us together. I have nothing left to live off. I need him to come home soon so that I won't die of starvation." Yoongi speaks into his snapchat. He saves it and begins another one when the bedroom door opens.

"What are you doing, Yoongi?" Hoseok asks as he walks in to find Yoongi perching on his legs on the bed. Yoongi has all of the pillows around him with the blanket over his head.

Hoseok pulls the blanket off the pile of pillows to find Yoongi looking at him wide eyed.

"What were you doing?"

"Making video diaries for the minutes that you were gone."


"Because I was getting lonely." Yoongi whined as he climbed into Hoseok's sitting lap.

"Aw, baby, don't worry. The only place I'm going today is the next restaurant to get you food." Hoseok says into Yoongi's neck.

"Can I see them?"


"Can I see the video diaries?"

"Maybe later. Right now I'm hungry."

"Then let my king eat his lunch."

"Wait, it's already lunch time?"

"We had sex at two and you typically sleep for at least nine hours after sex so yes. It is lunch time."

"Why do you know that?"

"Because I know you and I've had sex with you enough times to have counted how many hours it took you to wake up again."

"That's kind of creepy Hoseok."

"Yes but it shows that I pay attention. That makes you one lucky man."

"Mm, I think you're the lucky man."

"Me too." Hoseok says before kissing Yoongi and feeding him his lunch.

T H E  E N D

- - -

A/N: Yep. That's it. At least in the chapter category ;)

(EDIT) ngl, i hate this chapter

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