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Okay, I'm going to try and keep this short and with minimal amounts of sap but Goddamn.

This book has been one hell of a ride for me. All kinds of shit was going down in my personal life and even when I didn't feel like editing, I still knew that I would regret it later. So I kept going. And then things got better and I got happier and now I'm at a great point in my life. We're closing on our dream house the day this is published (which is Tuesday here) and there's a very high chance that my best friend is moving in with me. Yeah, I don't have the huge circle of friends I had a couple of years ago but I got smart and realized who wasn't doing anything good for me and I dropped them all. And even when my Tuesday sucked ass, I was still excited because that's my update day. It has been since halfway through JTBND and it's always stuck with me. Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week because even if no one rushes to read the next chapter, I know that it will get read before the end of the week and there have been so many new readers that it's almost overwhelming. And no matter how many views I get, I still get ridiculously happy when I see such and such has added Change to their reading list or so and so voted on 26 and even just comments about nothing get me excited because at the end of the day, I'm still a kid who is giving themselves this exposure because my parents won't let me have it. I still can not believe anyone ever reads my work because to me, I'm unprofessional, I make too many crude jokes, I'm always way too excited, and I never can seem to shut up. But someone reads my books and somewhat enjoys them. And maybe that makes me a kid at heart but  fuck it feels so nice to see other people enjoy the things I enjoy.

So to sum things up, writing is my therapy. I pour my heart and soul into these books and no matter what anyone tells me, I still need validation and it feels so good to get it from strangers. Also, like, you guys are the best readers. Even if most of you are silent, you're still great for putting up with my shitty ass fanfics. So HUGE thank you to all the readers. You guys are why I still do this.

Also, yesterday was Change's six month-iversary. *internally screams and flips table over*

Until next time bitchachoes.

P.S. Have a good life and don't ever be scared to come and talk to me if you need it. My arms are always open wide for a hug.

(EDIT) well now i'm even happier than i was when I wrote this. my best friend did not move in with me. y'all are still the best and you know that. also, i do still need validation and writing is still my therapy😁

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