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Hoseok was curled up against Yoongi, hiding his face in the blonde's chest. Yoongi knew not to judge before knowing all the facts, so he allowed the younger to cower and ran his hands through the brown hair in a soothing motion.

Yoongi had no idea what was happening in Hoseok mind and to be honest, Hoseok didn't quite understand it himself. There were thoughts of thanks towards the older, thoughts of fear towards the movie, and thoughts of ever-growing fondness for the older.

The movie ended with Hoseok sighing and Jimin jumping around like a giddy child that had too much sugar. Jungkook quickly left the theater with his hand locked with Taehyung and Jimin's. Namjoon had an arm slung across Jin's shoulders which was no surprise to anyone. Hoseok stuck close to Yoongi but the only contact that occurred was when their shoulders would brush against each other.

Namjoon took Jin back home, leaving the two boys in an awkward silence in front of the movie theater.

"Can I stay at your house tonight?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"Oh, um, I just, I figured Taehyung might want the place to himself tonight..."

"Sure." Yoongi was skeptical but laughed it off as he lead the younger to his car.

Once they were in the apartment, Yoongi broke the silence.

"Why could you really not go home?"

"Do I really have to?"

"Yes, Hoseok."

"It's stupid, though." Hoseok huffed and sat on the couch, Yoongi following.

"It can't be that stupid."

"I... I have a fear of the color pink." His eyes were closed and his fists were clenched, waiting for Yoongi to laugh and tell him how childish it was. But that never came.

"I've never heard of that."

"It's called chromophobia or chromatophobia. I was clinically diagnosed with it at twenty."

"Holy shit. Now I feel terrible."


"Because I always teased you for always wearing pink. Was it my fault?"

"Not at all! I knew I had a fear of pink before high school and had self diagnosed myself with chromophobia. I wore pink to try and overcome my fear. That's why my room was pink, too, but you didn't know that. Come to think of it, that's probably why I had nightmares so often..." Hoseok rambled on and Yoongi sat and watched with a smile that reached his eyes for once.

"Yoongi?" Yoongi hummed in response, not registering that the younger had stopped rambling and had waved his hand in front of the blonde.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"You zoned out."

"Oh well. What do you want to do now?"

"Can we sleep? I'm tired." Hoseok yawned and Yoongi had to refrain himself from cooing.

Yoongi prepared the couch for one of the two to sleep on, but both ended up in Yoongi's bed, despite all protests. Hoseok was too scared to sleep alone, and Yoongi loved his precious queen size bed. What could go wrong?

- - -

(EDIT) Sorry for not getting these up yesterday. Still getting used to the four chapters a day thing. So, as a present, I'll try to put up eight today.

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