Chapter one*

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A few months had passed since the end of the war, and the Wizarding world was on a rocky path to recovery. Bright sunlight streamed into a household which didn't know of the craziness that was about to take place. The run down home looked like it could topple over from the hit of a single stone.

In a short while, two prankster twins would be setting off explosions as their annoyed sister would yell at them to be quiet, but for now there was peace with everybody sleeping soundly in their beds. Everyone except for one.

There was a girl who had brunette colored hair, tucked away in a small corner trying to read as she had just been woken from a nightmare. This girl was none other than Hermione Granger.

Her Hogwarts letter inviting her back to redo her seventh year was no doubt on its way to the house right now, and it contained the answer of whether or not she would be the Head Girl at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

If she was the Head Girl, she would finally be able to escape the pain of seeing her two best friends so happy together, and having to deal with her ex-boyfriend Ronald Weasley who had very recently "dumped her" to be with Cho Chang much to Harry's distaste.

If she wasn't, she would be doomed to endure a year living right along side those three, having to deal with them all the time. She loved Harry and Ginny to pieces, but that's not to say their seemingly perfect relationship didn't get on her nerves sometimes.

During the final battle of Hogwarts, there had been many close calls and deaths. Among the dead included Lavender Brown, Seamus Finnigan, Severus Snape, and Padma Patil. Tonks and Remus just escaped death as Hermione stunned a man who was targeting the couple when the two weren't looking. Fred had also almost died from an explosion, but managed to pull through and survived. Even though people were trying to recover, they all knew their world would never be the same.

As for Hermione herself, she found out that her parents had passed away because of a car accident in Australia over the previous year, and was still grieving.

A rooster from outside crowed as the sun rose, and sounds of life began to be heard from the upper levels of the Burrow. Hermione groaned knowing her peaceful morning was soon to be interrupted. She rubbed her eyes, and stood up. In the distance she could just make out two owls heading towards the house. They were the Hogwarts letters.

"They're here!" She yelled and tore out of the house.

The wind blew her frizzy locks of hair behind her as she sprinted, and as she felt the dew drops on her feet she realized she had no shoes on but it didn't matter. All she could think about was the letters.

The people who were just woken up by her yell slowly trudged down the stairs and out the door behind the anxious girl. Hermione had to resist the temptation of jumping up to reach the owls to get her letter faster.

One of the owls flew to her and offered one leg. She eagerly untied the string holding the letter to the owl's leg, and opened it with shaky hands. It read:

Dear Miss. Hermione Granger,
As you know, all seventh years were invited to redo their last year at Hogwarts, and we noticed you were on the list of people who wanted to come back. That's not a surprise to us. Because of your amazing performance through your classes, and strong assistance in vanquishing the Dark Lord himself, you are hereby being given the role of being the Head Girl-

"Yes!" Hermione looked up with a wide smile spread across her face, not bothering to read the rest of the letter. It slightly faltered seeing Harry and Ginny only had eyes for each other with their hands interlaced, but smiled again.

"What is it Hermione, dear?" Molly asked curiously. After the war had ended Mrs. Weasley told Hermione and Harry to call her that instead.

"I'm head girl!" Hermione announced triumphantly.

"Congratulations!" Harry and Ginny said at the exact same time. They laughed and looked at each other adoringly.

"That's amazing! I'm so proud of you!" Molly enveloped Hermione into one of her famous, bone crushing hugs while Arthur awkwardly patted Hermione's back. She had to force herself to not flinch from the physical contact, but they were both sweet all the same.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" Fred and George shouted into both of her ears. They set off fireworks into the sky which exploded with sounds as loud as thunderclaps, and blew bright confetti out of their wands.

"Well then wake up the whole world why don't you." Ginny yelled over the noise.

"What? Couldn't hear you!" Fred stuck his tongue out at his sister who shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Who's the Head Boy?" Ron muttered not bothering to read his own. This was the first time he's spoken, even indirectly to her since their "breakup". Hermione shrugged, picked up the letter she had thrown in the air, and continued to read.

-given the role of being the Head Girl, and you will work along the Head Boy, Draco Malfoy.

"What? There must be some mistake." Ron snatched the letter out of her hands and read it furiously. A small smile appeared on Hermione's face as she realized he must be jealous. Why else would he be mad? She could sort out the Draco problem later, but this was more entertaining to her at the moment.

"Oh no! Sorry Cho and Ronny don't an excuse to stay out together after curfew." Hermione said mockingly, and referred to his new nickname.

Hermione was generally a very kind person but not to Ron anymore she wasn't. Molly looked nervous as she didn't know whose side to take while Fred and George sniggered and Ron's face turned beet red. Even a different shade than  his hair. He turned and pointed a shaking finger at the girl.

"Just because you're jealous of us doesn't mean-"

"Oh please as if I'm jealous. You never treated me with gentleness and respect that a girlfriend should have. I'm glad we broke up." Hermione scoffed and walked back into the house.

Ron stormed off and apparated away. He didn't seem like the person he was before the summer began. Hermione shook off her thoughts and walked into Percy's room which she was using, as he wasn't staying at the Burrow over the summer. She made sure the glamour charm she invented to cover up scars and bruises was still working and once satisfied, she sat down on the bed.

Hermione used to have a small paper where she wrote clear instructions on how to use the charm, but it got lost somewhere. Thankfully by then she had already memorized it and occasionally added some tweaks to perfect it.

Hermione took the letter including the Head Girl badge out of her pocket and scanned the books she would need. She mused over the fact that she had already read each of the books perhaps five times through. This is going to be an easy year academic wise.

Little did she know, she was going to be in for a heck of a ride.

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