Chapter six*

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"Hermione! Draco!" Tonks voice woke the pair up as the train went under a dark tunnel.

"Huh?" Hermione rubbed her eyes blearily. She looked down confused as to where the blanket came from but didn't say anything about it.

"I'm up father." Draco jumped up off the couch rather suddenly, and stood so straight it looked like he was about to go to war. "Oh. It's just you."

"Yes, I'm not your father. Anyways, we'll be arriving soon so you should change into your robes and do one last patrol of the train. We'll dismiss from the bottom to the top. Both of the visiting schools want to do a performance for Hogwarts so just lead them up in a bunch to outside the castle." Tonks informed.

"Wouldn't they know that this is for the Tournament if they were asked to come up with a performance?" Hermione pointed out.

"They were told this year is to unify the schools, which is true. Some people may have suspicions, but nobody actually knows." Tonks shrugged. 

"Okay. Thanks." Hermione yawned and got up to extract one of her robes from her huge trunk which was packed full with books and rare potion ingredients. Unfortunately she had to do quite some digging, and messed up the stacks she organized by subject.

"I need to change." Draco opened his trunk and took out his robes.

"So do I." Hermione snapped.

"Well you can wait. Or go change in that bathroom." He said pointedly. At Hermione's glare, he changed his mind. "It's fine. I didn't even want to change first anyways." He proceeded to walk outside, and shut the door behind him.

Hermione began to think of how awkward it would be for them to work together. He did hate her after all for being a muggle-born. She decided that she would not back down this year. It was time to put an end to him shoving her around and saying whatever he wanted to her.

"I'm done." Hermione called.

Without a word Draco walked in, and she left. He made sure there was no way anybody could see him before taking his shirt off, and quickly changed into his robes. He checked his reflection in the mirror to make sure the charm was still working.

"Done." Draco exited the train car. "I'll take Durmstrang so you don't have to deal with that boy that bothered you earlier. Meet me at the bottom once the train begins to stop."

"Yeah I'm good with that." Hermione agreed, and pretended as if he had asked her opinion.

"Ms. Granger?" A boy asked as soon as she entered Beauxbatons level.


"Can you help me and my friends get our luggage down from the rack?"

"Of course!" As she finally had something to do, she woke up a bit more and took it down for them.

"Thank you!" They called as she left.

"No problem!" Hermione smiled. She helped many other girls and boys with their things, and the train began to slow down. After making one last check that everything was in order, she made her way down to the bottom.

"Hello?" She looked around for Draco.

"Right here." He stepped out from a compartment and walked over.

"We can direct the Hogwarts first years towards Hagrid for the boats. Everyone else towards the carriages. Then we'll let Durmstrang go all at once to get ready, then Beauxbatons after."

"Okay. I'll take the door on the right and you take the one on the left. The middle will open automatically."

"Okay." Hermione nodded. "I can't remember the last time I had a peaceful ride on this train. Last year I didn't even go on but it got stopped by death eaters, the year before Harry tried to eavesdrop on you and got his nose smashed, and fifth year we had to worry about Umbridge-" Hermione reminisced. 

"Oh yeah forgot about that." Draco laughed at the memory. After that came out of his mouth, he realized that wouldn't exactly help his case if he wanted more people to like him.

"We're going to have to talk about all of that later." Hermione warned as the station came into view, and they went to take their places. Draco felt a pit of dread forming in his stomach. He didn't have many things that he was proud of doing around her - or ever on that note.

As soon as the train came to a full stop, Hermione opened the train door and held it for the students streaming out. The sea of black moved steadily towards the carriages aside from quite a few tiny first years trying to fight their ways through. All of the small ones gazed in awe at the half-giant standing before them. Hermione had to admit, in the beginning she was slightly frightened by Hagrid. Okay not frightened, terrified.

Once everyone had been cleared out of the train, Hermione and Draco sent all the luggage to the castle. Hermione believed it could fill the bottom of an airplane at least five times over.

"Finally we're done! Let's go up to the castle." Hermione said happily, and they set off swiftly up the path to the castle

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