Chapter eleven*

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A mischievous alarm clock knew it should ring to wake up its owner, but decided to wait for about half an hour, or maybe more after it was time. It was very looking forward to the reactions of its owner and hey, alarm clocks have no loyalties.

Finally shaking itself, it played a light melody on the piano and grinned in anticipation.

Hermione yawned and stretched in bed and she sat up. She was definitely the first to wake up seeing as nobody was in the bathroom, and no extra light was showing from Draco's room. Her eyes observed the big room she'd still have to get used to, and glanced at her clock. It read seven o'clock.

"Malfoy!" Hermione stormed into his room and chucked a pillow at him.

"What?" He mumbled and rubbed his face blearily.

"It's seven! Why are you not up yet?" Hermione turned away as he sat up seeing that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"I set my alarm to go off in five minutes." He complained.

"How long do you expect to need to get ready?" Hermione scoffed.

"Ten minutes?"

"Well you better get moving. My alarm clock went off late just a minute ago." Hermione called over her shoulder as she ran back to her room.

Hermione was practically flying around to put her clothes on and get washed up. She put on her robes over her clothes and pinned on the head girl badge. After checking her reflection one more time, she made her way down to the common room.

"Come on we'll be late!" Hermione said impatiently. The whole time she was sprinting around, Draco was taking his own sweet time and what was even more annoying is he came out of his room looking fine.

"Calm down. It's 7:15. Breakfast doesn't even start until 7:30." Draco sighed as he walked down the stairs. His hair was combed to the side smoothly and he was fumbling with his fingers, trying to put on his badge.

"Ready to go?" Hermione picked up her already packed bag and moved to the door.

"Just one second." Draco was still struggling to put on his badge.

"Can Draco Malfoy not put on a badge?" Hermione teased.

"Why is it so complicated?"

"Give it here." Hermione sighed. Draco handed her the badge grudgingly and shook his head disdainfully.

"I've never put on a badge before. Either someone did it for me, or — well I guess someone always did it for me."

"Well watch me do it because I'm not going to do this everyday." Hermione gently lifted up the left side of his robe and attached the badge perfectly.

"Thanks." Draco muttered.

"Let's go." Hermione opened the door and led the way out.

"Are we helping the prefects direct the kids to the Great Hall?" Draco asked.

"We went over this yesterday." Hermione sighed.

"I don't remember."

"No, the prefects are doing that. We're maintaining order inside the Hall and directing the kids to their tables." As she looked around the halls she began to have flashbacks of the war.

She could see the massive giants lumbering through the walls, and bodies from both sides strewn across the floor. Jets of magic were flying through the halls seeking out their targets, and Harry was putting on his cloak of invisibility behind a wall so he could go off into the forest to meet Voldemort.

"Granger." said Draco impatiently.

"What?" She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at him.

"Let's go."

Hermione nodded and they walked into the Hall. Students were beginning to come in and sit down to eat.

"Hermione! Draco!" Humfrey motioned them over to his seat.

"Hand these out to Beauxbatons and Durmstrang okay? The headmasters will remain at the table so you do it for them. They're sorted into two piles by males and females." Humfrey put the stacks in front of him and engaged in a conversation with Chris.

"Sure. Let's eat quickly first and then we'll pass them out." Hermione said. They took their seats at the front table and dug in. Hermione had a piece of toast with jam, and eggs on the side.

"Done." Draco wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up.

"Me too." Hermione ate her last bite of toast and took a stack of schedules.

"Guess you're getting the guys. I'll pass out the girls then."

"For Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, if you're a girl please go in Mr. Malfoy's line, and if you're a guy come in mine. Hogwarts, please go in front of your Head of House to receive yours. You'll get your schedules, and then can go to eat breakfast." Hermione announced to the Hall.

The students made their way to their correct places and the schedules began to be handed out. Some of the guys winked at Hermione as they got theirs, but she acted as if they didn't exist. Once Hermione's last schedule was given out, she went over to Draco so they could get their own schedules.

"I never did tell Chris about Heron." Draco commented.

"And how did you come to think about that?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"I saw those guys checking you out." Draco said casually. Hermione was about to say how she noticed the girls checking out him too, but then realized it would give it away that she was watching him-to make sure he was doing it right of course.

"If it makes you happy then you can." Hermione didn't believe that he would actually do it, so she said it confidently. They went over to Humfrey and asked for their schedules.

"Sir?" Draco walked up to Chris and Hermione froze.


"Your student Heron was making Ms. Granger here quite uncomfortable yesterday. He invaded her personal space on the train against her will. I of course intervened and shoved him back into his compartment, I hope that's okay with you. But I'd like to see that he's properly dealt with."

"I sincerely apologize. I'll see to it that he's disciplined for his actions. Once I decide the punishment I'll inform the both of you to make sure we agree on the severity of it." Chris frowned.

"Thank you." Draco raised his head proudly, and returned back to Hermione who was still in shock. "Told you I would." He said smugly.

"Shut up Malfoy." Hermione shook her head and handed him his schedule.

"What do you have?" 

"We have all our classes together. Don't ask to copy my homework." She snapped.

"Geez I didn't even say anything."

"Sorry. Habit of saying that to Ron and Harry."

"I actually am quite intelligent. I don't need your work. You'll be the one asking me for help." Draco bragged.

"I guess we'll see." Hermione raised an eyebrow. 

And indeed they would.

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