Chapter five*

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"Oh my goodness there are way too many students out there." Hermione sighed as she came into the Head's train car, leaving the prefects to deal with the other students. She made to plop onto the couch but jumped a foot into the air when she realized there were more people in the room.

"Well everybody, this is Hermione Granger." Tonks grinned.

"Nice to meet you all!" Hermione felt a bit of heat rush to her cheeks in embarrassment. Draco was already there, reclining comfortably in a chair.

"This is the security staff for this year, and Blake Humfrey, the Hogwarts Headmaster." Tonks informed.

"Hello Professor-?" Hermione wondered what to call him.

"Please just call me Humfrey." Humfrey held out a hand and Hermione shook it in a rather hurried manner. He was a well built man unlike the tree-like one they used to have; his hair rough looking and curly, and came down to just below his shoulders.

Everyone introduced themselves and Hermione made a mental note to try and talk with each of them at the castle to better know their names.

"I'm sure Tonks here has told you that we're hosting the triwizard tournament this year. You can meet the other headmasters later at the staff table. I think you already know Madam Maxime?" The two nodded. It wasn't easy to forget the massive giantess from their fourth year. "Both of you will be sitting at the front beside the headmasters. I must be off for last minute preparations. I'll see you all soon." Humfrey finished quickly. He waved goodbye, and disapparated with a popping sound.

"I'm sorry...what?" Hermione blinked a few times quickly as she tried to process what she had been told.

"You'll understand once we get to the castle. The rest of the security will leave now to go do one last sweep of the castle before moving to their stations. Humfrey can be a little...let's just say energetic. If you two can occasionally help out the prefects in the beginning of the ride that would be great! The rest of us will go to Hogwarts and also help prepare now." Tonks dismissed the security and disapparated right after them.

"Just go through Hogwarts a few times. I'll do Beauxbatons and Durmstrang." Hermione instructed.

"Why do you get to decide?" Draco scoffed.

"Oh shut up and just do it."

"Fine." Draco grumbled. 

Hermione walked up and down the different train cars to make sure everybody was settled and comfortable. Beauxbatons was all set, which left Durmstrang. The girls and guys of both Durmstrang and Beauxbatons had been seated on different sides of the train to prevent...certain things from happening.

"Hermione Granger?" A large guy who seemed to be in his seventh year approached her. His muscles showed through his tight shirt, and he used a hand to sweep his light brown hair to the side of his face.

"Yes?" Hermione sighed.

"I'm Heron. So, are you dating anybody?" Heron asked.

"No." Hermione slowly backed up as he kept taking steps towards her.

"Well, I'm not either."

"Great." Hermione said dryly.

"So do you want to hang out sometime?" Heron was now way too close for comfort, and Hermione could feel her pulse beginning to race. She clenched her fists and struggled to restrain herself from casting a spell.

"Granger are you done?" Draco complained as he entered into the train car and spotted the scene. The tension was rising with each passing second, and Draco realized that for whatever reason, Hermione needed to get away from whoever that boy was. "Get away from her." He stepped up and forcefully pulled Heron away, adding a helpful shove towards the correct compartment.

"My Headmaster will hear about this." Heron spat.

"I'll make sure of it." Draco snorted. The boy stormed back to his compartment and shut the sliding door harshly. 

"Thanks." Hermione said after a moment of silence.

"Yeah whatever." Draco shrugged and led the way out of the train car. The two began to walk through the massive train towards the head's compartment.

"Why were you freaking out so much?"

"He was big!" Hermione protested.

"May I remind you that you went to the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum." He smirked.

"That was different."

"Really? You're a horrible liar." He raised an eyebrow as he opened the door for them, but allowed himself to go through first of course.

"Okay maybe that's not it. But I'm not going to tell you." Hermione took a seat on a large, and heavily cushioned couch.

"Why not." Draco annoyingly plopped down beside her.

"Because I don't want to."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"Drop it." Hermione said in a dangerous tone.

"Whatever." Draco rolled his eyes and fiddled with his wand until the witch fell asleep. As soon as her breathing evened out, he zoned out into his own thoughts.

After the war his parents were allowed to walk free. Due to Draco secretly taking out a few death eaters, and his mother lying to Voldemort allowing Harry to survive to defeat Voldemort, they were allowed to walk free.

However the moment they got back home, Draco got beaten by his father. Beaten for not being a good son, being a disgrace to their family, when he put a single toe out of line, not following his father's orders perfectly, and even for just wanting to read his study books to prepare for the upcoming year. Which totally made sense because Draco definitely wasn't part of the reason their family was allowed to walk free.

Although that's not to say he wasn't used to it anyways. He got beaten and scolded all the time as a kid, and never wore short sleeves or took a shower around other people because he was embarrassed by scars and bruises over his arms and mid body. Out of a crazy coincidence, he was reading a book from a local library of the wizarding world, and a paper with small handwriting was tucked into the page containing exactly what he needed, a glamour charm to cover everything up. Since then, he used it every day so he could finally start wearing t-shirts again.

Draco knew how other people viewed him. How Hermione saw him, and even how he saw himself. Pathetic, rude, and insensitive. Now that he thought about it, how could he have asked Hermione to tell him what she went through? It's not like he would ever tell her anything about his relationship with his father. They weren't close, and all he's ever done to her was bully her for being a muggle born. He should just be thankful she wasn't ignoring him.

If he wanted to improve things between them, he'd have to act differently. And he supposed that maybe the first way to do that, could be to put a blanket over her.

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