Chapter four*

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"We have to leave in an hour!" Molly called up the stairs of the burrow.

The day had come where students would be going off to Hogwarts. Some parents will be tearfully kissing their embarrassed first year students goodbye, while mischievous kids would cause chaos as they ran through the thick crowds.

The week before this was Lee Jordan's funeral. It was one of the first times anybody had seen the prankster twins shed a few tears. They laid out a very long list on top of the coffin of all the pranks the three had pulled throughout their Hogwarts year. Those two were still recovering together, and hadn't left the house much since the day they received the news. The ministry believed they caught the man who killed Lee, and he was put in Azkaban.

"I have to go now. They told me and the other prefects to get there early." Hermione said as she levitated her things down the stairs. The returning seventh year prefects weren't asked to be one again as there were enough with the incoming fifth years.

"Alright then. If I don't see you on the platform, you do well this year okay? Keep everyone in check." Molly gave her one of her famous bone crushing hugs. Hermione tensed up at the physical contact, and silently let out a breath she was holding when Molly let go. 

"I will. Thank you so much for letting me stay here over the summer and feeding me."

"Oh it was nothing. Now you better get a move on, they'll be waiting for you."

"Thank you so much again!" Hermione waved and walked out of the door.

The end of the summer had been a bit awkward with Ron, but everyone else was okay. He seemed to finally understand to give her room, but from time to time he expressed his frustration to her, and so she made an effort to meet him halfway with small conversations that others participate in as well.

Hermione could feel her hair beginning to poof up in the humid heat, and quickly apparated to the station. The school had given her private access to apparate directly onto the platform.

"Hermione!" Tonks had chosen a vibrant bubble gum pink shade for her hair, and was waiting on the platform.

"Hello!" Hermione greeted. A pale man appeared beside them, and his stormy gray eyes looked around the place suspiciously as if people were after him. He returned her greeting with a stiff nod.

"Hi! So since you're both here it's time to start explaining. This year we —" Tonks had gotten interrupted by the Hogwarts express pulling in. Or at least, it was like the Hogwarts Express 3.0. Literally.

There were three different levels, each the same length. However it was a red color as normal, and still said "Hogwarts Express" on the side.

"What the..." Draco cut himself off from saying the last word. Unless the Hogwarts student population had tripled, he had no idea why they'd need such a large train.

"Yes as I was saying, this year marks the fourth year since the last Triwizard Tournament." Tonks started.

"Oh no." Hermione closed her eyes and frowned hoping that Tonks wasn't going to say what she thought she was going to.

"And it's time to host another one. This will be a chance to unite the three schools, so everyone is coming. When we rebuilt the castle, we added extra dorms and classrooms and whatnot. The staff has also grown. I've been working with Kingsley, the new Minister of Magic, to figure out security plans for the castle. The future of the wizarding world will be in the same place and could be a target. And don't mention this to anybody yet, it will be announced at dinner."

"And what are we supposed to do? Manage all of the students?" Draco rolled his eyes.

"Exactly!" Tonks said enthusiastically, not picking up on his sarcasm.

"So all of them are coming to this station?" Hermione inquired.

"Yes. We set up blocks of time for each school to come. Beauxbatons will be on the top, Durmstrang in the middle, and Hogwarts at the bottom. Beauxbatons will arrive soon. Hermione and Draco will give you your patrols. I have to go start instructing the security." Tonks walked backwards, and did a little awkward arm flapping as she almost ran off the platform and into the train. She somehow managed to keep her cool, and continued away.

Almost as soon as she had left, the prefects ran into the station, put their luggage up, and walked over to Hermione and Draco.

"Okay. In case you haven't put two and two together, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be joining us at Hogwarts this year. Hufflepuff prefects, and the seventh year Slytherins, you'll take turns patrolling Beauxbatons' floor. Gryffindors and the sixth year Slytherins can take Durmstrang's floor. Leaving the Ravenclaws, and fifth year Slytherins to take the Hogwarts floor. Draco and I will be helping patrol occasionally to help out. When you aren't on patrol, you can wait in the prefects car closer to the front of the train." Hermione informed, instantly taking charge.

"Okay." They chorused.

"Take your places. They'll be here soon." Hermione ushered them into the train.

This year, the train was grander than it had ever been before. Apart from the usual compartments, there were tables to sit around, couches in open spaces, and games on shelves. The decorations reminded Hermione of the Room of Requirement. There were paintings, and inspiring quotes by famous Witches and Wizards.

Hermione followed the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins up the stairs to the top of the train. Just a moment later, a young girl walked up the steps and appeared on the third level.

"Hello." she whispered. The only thing she was carrying was a book clutched close to her chest. Her hair fell in blonde curls down to her mid back and had a beautiful ocean shade of blue eyes.

"Hello! What's your name?" Hermione asked.

"Claire Roffel. First year."

"Come with me." Hermione led the way to the first year compartments to find the girls assigned seat, and showed her where to sit. On her way out the girl was already reading again.

"Oh my gosh are you Hermione Granger?" A few girls were going up the stairs towards the other prefects, but sprinted right past them towards the famous witch.

"Yes. Nice to meet you." Hermione raised an eyebrow at their eagerness.

"Can you sign my book? You're in it!" One of them held out a copy of "Famous Witches and Wizards of the Age".

"Sure." Hermione took the book and signed it, along with two other pieces of paper for the other girls.

"Don't you know Harry Potter too?" A different girl asked.


"That's so cool! I've always wanted to meet him!" The third girl said. Hermione suddenly felt short of breath as they kept getting closer to her.

"Let me show you to your seats. Please give me your names and years." Hermione slipped past them to let them sit down and get situated.

At last after many girls and guys gave their names to the prefects and Hermione, all of Beauxbatons was sitting in their correct seats and began to entertain themselves. Thank God. Hermione thought to herself. As she made her way outside of the train she then realized she had to seat two more schools.

But honestly at this point, that was the least of her worries about this year.

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