Chapter thirty two*

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A week had passed and nobody had sent in any credible sightings, seeing as none of them passed the veritaserum test. Harry was getting more and more frustrated as the thing he had at the tip of his tongue was slipping further and further away. Breakfast had just ended and Ron walked up to Harry so they could go to their first class together.

"Hey." Ron grinned.

"Hey." Harry tried to smile back. He was still trying to remember what he had been thinking of.

"Any news about Hermione?" Ron asked. The two had made up after Harry knew it was Theodore over the summer, but it was still a little awkward between them.

"No. There's been nothing." Harry sighed.

"I've been thinking. We've always been able to find each other before." Ron started.

"Yes. I've been thinking about that too. There was something we used before that helped us get back to each other but I can't put my finger on it." Harry agreed.

"Let's sit down and think." Ron suggested. Neither one of them cared about being late to Potions. Professor Slughorn would understand.

"First year." Harry began.

"We always stayed together. We were separated at times but always knew were each other were." Ron remembered.

"Second year."

"Ginny was possessed by the diary. You found her using parsel tongue!" Ron said excitedly.

"That's because there was a basilisk in the pipes." Harry said dryly.

"Oh. Right. Third year? We used the time turner didn't we?" Ron asked.

"Yes but we can't use that. Dangerous things can happen if we mess up the timeline, and it's too far into the past for a regular time turner." Harry shook his head.

"How about fourth year?"

"Nothing. Only portkeys but we don't know where we'd be going."

"Fifth?" Ron kept going.

"No. We knew where each other were."


"No. I apparated that year but like the last idea, we wouldn't know where we were going." Harry shook his head.

"Seventh year?" Ron asked. And that's when it hit both of them

"The deluminator!" Harry sprang up immediately.

"It helped me find Hermione last time." Ron had a smile spreading across his face.

"Do you still have it?"

"Yeah it's in my trunk." Ron nodded. They turned around and sprinted to get it from Gryffindor tower. The short cuts they used reminded them of the time when they were running away from Filch as first years. That was the night Draco tricked them to sneak out of bed. 

In a short while they arrived breathlessly in front of the gargoyle standing watch in front of Humfrey's office.

"Sup-ercali-fragi-list-icexpi-ali-docious." Harry gasped out. It raised an eyebrow but let them pass nonetheless.

"Harry?" Humfrey looked up curiously as the two walked in. Professor McGonagall must've had a free period because she was sitting across from him looking troubled.

"We had a thought." Harry began once he regained his composure. They ran so fast he felt like he was sprinting for his life. He gestured to Ron who dramatically took out the deluminator from his robes.

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