Chapter twenty four*

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"Your sister?" Humfrey looked shocked. That made sense as to why Leah's face looked familiar the first time he saw her.

"Fraternal twin I suppose you could say. We had a-disagreement and went our separate ways after we became adults. I haven't seen her in twenty five years."

"She isn't here permanently. She's a worker at the Ministry of Magic and had to be brought in for something."

"Will she be gone soon?"

"I'm not sure. There are many things she has to do before she's done." 

"Right when I was beginning to get some peace in my life." Chris sighed. 

"If you wanted peace, you should not have become a Headmaster." Humfrey grinned.

The bell rang signaling the transition time to the first classes of the day, and Chris got up and left the room. Humfrey shook his head to clear it, and decided to go to the ministry. He promised Professor McGonagall that he'd take care of the adoption specifics. He disapparated on the spot feeling the weird sensation of apparition, and appeared at the entrance.

"Please state your name and business." a front desk lady said.

"Blake Humfrey, Headmaster of Hogwarts. I'm here to see the minister." Humfrey said.

"Right this way." she rose and led him inside the gates. Take the right elevator, and tell them to take you to the ministers office. He should be in there."

"Thank you." Humfrey called, and made his way over. He twiddled his wand between his fingers on his way to the office. This would certainly be a shock to Kingsley and if he was being honest, wasn't sure if Hermione could be adopted without giving consent.

"Here's your stop." the man announced and opened the door for Humfrey.

"Thanks!" Humfrey smiled and walked down the hall to the door on the end. 

By the intricate design on and around the door, there was no way it wasn't Kingsley's office. In his opinion it was a little plain, but everyone had their own preferences. He knocked.

"Hello?" Kingsley's voice could be heard from inside. Without waiting for another invitation, Humfrey opened the doors and walked in. "Oh Humfrey. What are you doing here?"

"I have something to discuss with you." Humfrey took a seat across from Kingsley.

"Oh yes feel free to sit down." Kingsley said dryly.

"So Minerva has something she would like to do, and I wanted to discuss with you how we could make it possible." Humfrey began as if Kingsley hadn't said anything.

"What is it?" Kingsley's interest in the conversation rose. Professor McGonagall didn't normally ask for anything.

"She want's to adopt someone." 

"Oh well that'd be easy. We just need a signature from the kid if they're over thirteen years old, and one from the orphanage." Kingsley said.

"One slight problem. She's an adult."

"That makes it even easier. We'd only need one signature from her then. Who is the girl?" Kingsley asked.

"And alas, that's where our problem lies. She wants to adopt Hermione."

"Of course she has to pick the one child that is incapable of signing the paper." Kingsley sighed. "I'm sure there's something we can do though. Well I suppose I am Minister. Get me two things. One, proof that Hermione and Minerva have had a good relationship and like each other. Two, get this signed by Minerva." Kingsley conjured a long adoption paper.

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