Chapter thirteen*

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"Hurry up!" Hermione was now dragging Draco by his robes to their Defense against the Dark Arts class. There was only half an hour left, and they needed to know what they missed and get caught up.

"Geez calm down." Draco finally succeeded and wrenched his clothes from her grip, as he refused to be dragged.

"Don't make me levitate you." Hermione threatened. Draco increased his speed and ran ahead of her.

"See I beat you." Draco stuck out his tongue at a completely out of breath Hermione.

"That's not fair."

"Life isn't fair." Draco opened the door to the classroom before Hermione could say anything else. 

"Who are you?" A woman turned a stern gaze on the two entering the room. She was an African American slim witch, with a jawline that looked like it could cut through a rock. Her frizzy black hair fell down to her shoulders, and her dark brown eyes seemed like they could see through someone's soul.

"I'm Hermione Granger, and this is Draco Malfoy." Hermione introduced.

"Yeah. The Head boy and girl. Who are you?" Draco smirked.

"10 points from Slytherin. Watch your tongue. I'm your new potions teacher. You may call me Professor Nash." The woman glared. "Why are you late?"

"Professor Humfrey said he notified or teachers that Draco and I would be coming to class a bit late, and leaving a few minutes early throughout the year." Hermione cut in before Draco could dig himself into a deeper hole, and made sure to include Professor before Humfrey.

"Yes I remember. So why are you here an hour late?"

"I'm really sorry. We had to discuss something with the headmasters." Hermione apologized.

"Miss Hermione Granger and Mister Draco Malfoy. I'll remember to talk to Professor Humfrey. Take your seats." Professor Nash indicated to the last open two in the front. The table of four already contained Harry and Ginny. "Now that there are no more disruptions, turn to page three of your books..." she continued.

Harry passed her a note and looked quite annoyed. It read:

Why didn't you tell me there was going to be a triwizard tournament? You must've known.

Hermione looked at Harry with her brow furrowed. She sighed and wrote a reply quickly before their Professor could notice. She said:

I didn't know until I got onto the platform I swear.

Harry looked at the paper and raised an eyebrow. He doubted that was true but if Hermione didn't want to tell him, whatever. It didn't really matter anymore. Hermione sighed in exasperation sensing that he didn't believe her, and turned her attention to the class.

"Professor we need to go." Draco stood up abruptly five minutes before the period ended.

"No. Few in my book classifies as three, so you can wait for two more minutes." Professor Nash said firmly before continuing on. Draco blinked a few times trying to process that a teacher just shut him down, and took his seat. Hermione hid a smile as she jotted down their homework.

"Goodbye Professor." Hermione waved and walked out the door. "So what'd you think about Professor Nash?" Hermione smiled innocently.

"She was great." Draco said sarcastically. 

"There's something about her that reminds me a lot of Professor McGonagall."

"Expect there's no spot in her that cares about the students."

"That might not be true! We don't know her yet. I mean she wasn't as bad as Snape was to Harry."

"Whatever you say." Draco said and the bell rang. Students began to stream out of their classes and traveled to find their next one.

Once again, Hermione and Draco guided students to their classes, and once everyone reached their destinations, they went to their own. That's what they did for the next few days. Nobody had figured out the prophecy, but at least Harry didn't seem mad at Hermione. And better yet, the choosing of the champions was happening this very day. All of the staff, Headmasters/mistress, and Head boy and girl could feel the stress and pressure piling on top of them and it was only the first full day. Pressure to manage the kids and keep them safe, while also trying to figure out the prophecy.

"It's time to go to dinner." Hermione knocked on Draco's door impatiently. They were supposed to leave five minutes ago, but he wasn't out yet.

"Hold on Granger! So impatient." He added under his breath.

"I heard that." Hermione snapped.

"There I'm done. Happy now?" Draco opened the door quickly, and walked down the stairs also slightly irked.

"Yes, I am actually." 

Draco walked out the door and didn't pause to hold it open for her too. Once she got out, they walked in silence to the hall.

"Hermione! Draco!" Humfrey greeted happily.

"Hello." Hermione said shortly. Draco didn't respond at all and they took their seats. Humfrey's brow furrowed at their moods but decided it was just from stress.

"Tonight is the night where the three champions will be chosen. However that'll happen after we eat. For now, let the feast begin." Humfrey said, and the room suddenly filled with the delicious smell of food.

"So..." Draco said awkwardly.

"What?" Hermione snapped.

"I'm just trying to make conversation. Don't bite my head off." Draco complained.

"Sorry but I'm not in the mood to talk." 

"Why? Is it because something happened? Is that why Heron spooked you so much?"

"None of your business."

"Just tell me. I'll get it out of you sometime so you might as well tell me now."

"You have no right to know. We may be on speaking terms right now but we aren't that close Malfoy." Hermione glared.

"Fine whatever." Draco rolled his eyes and started eating his food.

Apart from the excited chatter about who the champions would be, in the corner of the room, a returning student smiled to himself. Nobody knew his secret, not even the "Golden Trio". There was no way anybody could find out what he did. Or so he hoped...

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