Chapter eight*

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"And now we will have the new Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Andrea Miles, to explain the rules of the Triwizard Tournament for this year." Humfrey finished, and flawlessly leaped over the table, twisting in the air so he came down directly into his chair. He had shown off the trophy for the winner, which looked almost identical to the one that Harry had won. The goblet of fire had also been revealed on the elevated platform.

"Thank you. This year we have made a few changes to what's going to happen. First can I please ask our returning contestants to step over here?" Andrea started.

Hermione froze, and other students stood up to get a better view of them. Krum walked out first and had cheered for himself along with the other students. He tried making eye contact with Hermione, but she avoided his gaze. Fleur followed after him and elegantly curtsied, leaving Harry to go in last. He looked absolutely dumbfounded as to why he was up there. Harry had in fact planned for a nice and laid back year, but that clearly wasn't turning out too well.

"There will be three contestants as always, one from each school. Each student will be mentored by their previous school's contestant. All ages are welcome to enter this year, not just adults. That includes the returning eighth years to redo their last year at Hogwarts."

Excited murmuring began from the younger students, but those who witnessed the past tournament looked around wearily.

"The only thing you have to do is write your first and last name along with the name of your school on a piece of parchment, and drop it into the goblet. You can only enter yourself once, and please don't take this lightly. This event can be very dangerous so please only enter if you know many spells and have quick thinking. As tonight is Wednesday, the goblet will choose on Saturday, giving you three days to make up your mind and choose whether or not to enter. As of now, the tournament has begun." Andrea finished and walked back to her seat with an air of finality.

"Prefects please take your houses to the dormitories. Durmstrang please follow Mr. Malfoy and Beauxbatons follow Ms. Granger, they will lead you to where you'll be staying." Humfrey instructed. The benches scraped back and the students began to move.

"Remind us of where they're staying again? Also where's the Gryffindor and Slytherin common room so we can go there later?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"Right right. Take them both the places I marked on this piece of parchment. Red mark for a Durmstrang, blue for Beauxbatons. Meet us in the trophy room once you've seen them there." Humfrey handed the two the map.

"How are we supposed to know where this is? It looks like a treasure map." Hermione frowned as the piece of parchment didn't contain any labels.

"I know." Humfrey hummed to himself merrily. He skipped happily down to the trophy room, and followed the other people sitting at the front staff table and returning contestants.

"What about our common rooms?" Hermione called.

"Oh yeah. You guys are sharing one. I must've forgotten to mention that in the letter. I'll tell you where that is when you get back." Humfrey called before turning his back on them to engage in a conversation with Chris.

"That was a joke right?" Hermione frowned. "No head boy and head girl have ever shared a dorm in the past."

Draco just shrugged.

"Well anyways, let's lead these students to their common rooms. You take this and figure it out. I'll figure out mine." Hermione duplicated her copy and tossed one to Draco before walking down to meet the school awaiting her.

"What?" He complained, but she didn't care to listen.

"Ready to go?" Hermione asked, completely ignoring Draco. The girls and guys before her nodded and they began their journey. In the matter of the time it took to get to the stairs, Hermione had figured out which floor it was on and led the way. Once they arrived there, she knew it would be the one painting she hasn't seen before and sure enough, there was a portrait of man and a lady dancing to the right.

"Is this it?" A dark haired girl asked.

"Yes. You can make up your password and tell it to Madam Maxime later. For now, all of your luggage is in here. Find your labeled room and unpack. You can hang out in here, and go to bed whenever." Hermione waved goodbye and went to the trophy room.

"This is ridiculous." Hermione could hear the anger in Harry's voice as she walked down the steps to the room. She arrived at a scene where about everybody was making frustrated gestures.

"This will bring the schools closer!" Amelia insisted.

"Do you remember what happened to Cedric last time?" Fleur shuddered.

"Yes. And what about this no age limit? Only tough people like me should participate." Viktor straightened up haughtily. That earned him a glare from Fleur.

"Well I think the students should be able to make their own wise decisions." Madam Maxime decided.

"But they're just children." For once, Humfrey wasn't smiling.

"You agreed to this, you can't just put the blame on us." Andrea said defensively

"You didn't tell us all of these new rules." Chris inputted.

"What's done is done. The Goblet Of Fire already contains names by now, so we have no choice. If we try to end it, that'll just drive the schools further apart. Even arguing like this isn't helping. We have to deal with what we have now and that's what we should be discussing. Not about why we're having it, or who's fault it is." Hermione said firmly. Everyone looked at her in surprise, as they finally realized she had entered the room.

"I suppose what she's saying is true." Chris admitted.

"Maybe." Andrea muttered.

"So let's move on then. I need to be filled in. Only earlier today did I find out we were having this tournament in the first place." Hermione glared at Humfrey.

"The Hogwarts staff has agreed to take on extra classes in place of dropping a few higher level classes. The students from the other schools will learn alongside our students and eventually once everybody is settled in, they'll mix with our students. The theme of this year is unity, and we will be doing Quidditch with all three schools. None of the tasks for the tournament have been planned out yet, but the Ministry will be overseeing that, am I correct?" asked Humfrey.

"Yes." Andrea said pointedly.

"How was I supposed to figure out a flipping treasure map?" Draco's voice could be heard as his grumble echoed down the stairs. Hermione had to contain her triumphant smile that she beat him to figuring out the map.

"Where was I?" Humfrey asked once Draco appeared at the bottom.

"What are we going to be in charge of this year?" Hermione asked.

"Right right. So you two will be patrolling the halls with the prefects, taking care of the students needs as long as what they're asking for is reasonable...and will help set up the tasks, along with supervise that everything is in order while the challenge is happening." Humfrey listed off his fingers.

"In all seriousness now, where are our dorms? It's getting late and I still haven't unpacked yet." Hermione smiled, remembering Humfrey's joke from earlier.

"Oh that's right! I forgot to tell you." Humfrey laughed and shook his head at himself. "You guys will room together close to the Great Hall to make things easier. Here." Humfrey held out a piece of paper for them.

"You're joking right? We aren't actually rooming together?" Hermione asked in disbelief.

"Why would I do that? It's not that big of a deal. I'm sure you both will be mature about it. Now go off to your dorm. I have things to attend to."

"Thanks." Draco said sarcastically and began walking up the stairs.

"Where is it?" Hermione questioned.

"That little-" Draco stopped himself from finishing his sentence.


"It's another unlabeled map."

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