Chapter sixty one

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A.N. Merry Christmas/Happy holidays (if you don't celebrate Christmas)!

Hermione groggily opened her eyes and was shocked to find she wasn't in the dark room where was held captive. It was homier, and a window overlooked a familiar-looking pasture in which the sun was setting. She was hooked up to a monitor and had an IV in her arm. And that's when it hit her. She escaped. All by herself. The last thing she could remember was trying to apparate to the burrow, something about Remus, and a lot of pain, but that was it.

"Hermione?" Minerva said softly.

"Wh-whe-" Hermione struggled to form the words.

"You're at Molly Weasley's house in Ginny's old room. You appeared here in grave condition, but Poppy saved you. You lost a lot of your blood, but you were given transfusions. You were touch and go for a while, and then slipped into a coma. Poppy thought she had stabilized you, but you had an internal injury in your brain that they didn't know about. She fixed it as soon as they could but weren't sure if there were going to be any residual effects. I'm going to go get her now. I'll be right back." Minerva got up quickly and strode out of the room.

Hermione's eyes flickered around searching every corner of the room, waiting for someone to pop out and take her away again. A light and rhythmic knock came at the door, and Hermione almost fell out of the bed she was laying in in fright.

"Hermione?" Remus opened the door slowly and closed it behind him when he walked into the room. His thin frame resembled Theodore's, and the darkness of the room shrouded his face.

"N-n-" Hermione's heart rate shot up, and the monitor began to beep erratically.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Hermione. It's me, Remus. Just try to calm down." Remus said calmly and walked into the light.

Hermione clutched her chest and struggled to breathe as he stood there. "Ge-get a-away." she gasped. 

Her eyes flickered over to the closed door, and he understood. He walked back over to the door and reopened it.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Remus said slowly.

"P-please d-don't - g-get away."

Tears begun to leak out of Hermione's eyes.

Her heart monitor was still going off loudly, and Madam Pomfrey came in the room at a sprint with Minerva right behind.

"Hermione? Hermione you're okay." Madam Pomfrey said calmly. "Try and take deep breaths for me."

"What happened?" Minerva turned to Remus.

"I'm sorry. I was just coming in to check on her but I think it freaked her out. I'll just go. I'm sorry." Remus said quickly and left the room.

"You're safe. It's okay." Madam Pomfrey repeated herself.

With Remus gone, Hermione closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, but still trembled out of fear.

"We'll keep you safe. He can't get to you here. I'll die before that happens." Minerva said quietly, and took Hermione's hand in hers.

Madam Pomfrey gave her a quick examination and nodded in satisfaction.

"You've been out for a few days. That's given your body time some to heal, but you still have ways to go. We figured that you wouldn't want to stay in the hospital wing or at Saint Mungos given the various...things that have occurred in those places."

"What about the bruises? The other ones were just starting to fade." Hermione whispered and furiously wiped away her tears.

"In time, it should completely vanish. It may take a while, but that's to be expected. All of the scarring on your back will heal on its own. I'll remove the stitches in a week or so depending on how it looks. I would've healed it magically, but the spell was created in a way that I had to treat it the muggle way. Magic didn't work on it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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