Chapter nine*

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"I think I found it!" Draco said, and looked excited for perhaps the first time in his life. The two had been inspecting each picture in the last hallway of the floor that they had narrowed the dorm to. Hermione ran over and they both stared intently at the painting.

"Yes?" The man raised an eyebrow.

"Is this our dorm?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know. Is it?" Under Draco's withering gaze, the man seemed to try to step backwards. "Yes it is. What do you want your password to be?"

"I don't care. You can choose." Draco said coolly.

"Did I ask?" Hermione snapped. "Overcome the odds." 

"Overcome the odds?" 

"Well I mean look at what we've done. Just barely adults, we changed and shaped the future of our world. When everything seemed like it was going bad for us, we triumphed in the end. No matter who doubted us, we're entirely capable of doing things no matter how unlikely it is." 

"Fine. Our password will be that then." Draco told the painting. It nodded, and swung open to reveal a small hallway to a larger room. Draco caught himself just before he was about to go through first, and let Hermione go before him. If he had to interact with her a lot for
a whole year, he figured he may as well be civil.

"Thanks." Hermione led the way, and they stepped into a room almost as big as a regular common room. The most noticeable thing was two staircases on either side of the room, leading up to be conjoined by a fenced indoor balcony from which you could look down into the common room.

In the main room, there were couches to recline on in front of a fireplace, two large tables to study at, a piano, and a small library of books.

"This is amazing." Hermione breathed. She went up the left set of stairs while Draco went up the right, and reached one of the two doors. A name was engraved to the right of the door. It was Draco's room.

"This is your room." They said at the same time. Hermione laughed and they crossed over the balcony to enter the other door. The whole room had a red theme going, which obviously was because her house was Gryffindor.

Inside Hermione's room was a queen sized bed, large desk, walk-in closet, dresser, and a door leading to what must be the bathroom. She opened the door and Draco was already unpacking his things.

"We're sharing a bathroom?" Hermione looked around hesitantly.

"You get the right side of the bathroom. It's closer to your room." Draco said as he put things away.

"Okay." Hermione went to grab her own toiletries and went back in the bathroom to unpack them. It was a double vanity meaning two sinks, mirrors, and symmetrical drawers. Behind the vanity was one large shower, and a bathtub the size of the one she had used in the prefects bathroom.

"After we unpack and everything, let's go see Humfrey to talk about which classes we aren't going to be able to take and see our schedules." Draco decided.

"We can inform the prefects of everything tomorrow night too. We will also discuss how we're going to split up time in the bathroom in the mornings, and have that talk about how we're going to treat each other." Hermione added.

"Tell me when you're done. I'm going to go unpack the rest of my trunk." Draco left to go back to his own room, trying to hide the pit of dread he was feeling. He didn't exactly have the best track record with Hermione.

Draco Malfoy completing something faster than Hermione that isn't physically demanding? Hermione quickly finished organizing the rest of her toiletries and hung everything in her closet. Darn her and wanting everything to be color coordinated. That probably added a good section of time. As soon as Hermione finished unpacking her clothes, she moved on to putting her school things in her desk neatly.

"Aren't you done yet?" Draco complained and walked into her room.

"No." Hermione snapped. "And knock before you come in next time."

"Okay okay. Need help?" Draco made up his mind to get in her favor before that talk they would have.

"No." She said indignantly.

"Fine I'll just wait then." Draco hid his embarrassment by pretending to relax on her bed.

"Might I remind you that you have your own bed?"

"Yes. But that's in the other room." Draco smirked. He knew that it probably annoyed her but it was too good of an opportunity. Hermione shook her head disdainfully and finished unpacking her things.

"Okay let's go." Hermione looked over, half expecting to need to wake up Draco but he was watching her intently.

"Okay." He got up and let her lead the way out.

"Do you know his office's password?"

"Yeah he told me. It's Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." Draco remembered.

"This man." Hermione shook her head wondering if Humfrey was secretly a little kid that took an aging potion. They closed the door in the form of a painting behind them and walked to the office.

"You say it." Draco said once they arrived.

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." At those words the gargoyle sprang aside for them to walk through.

"Can you imagine Professor McGonagall every time she has to come in here?" Draco managed to say in a somewhat light tone, and Hermione smiled.

Normally Hermione wouldn't make fun of a teacher behind their back, but she had to admit the image the thought created was quite funny. They walked through and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Humfrey called. "Ahh. Hermione and Draco. What do you need?"

"Could you tell us our schedules so we can begin to plan out patrols and such?" Hermione asked.

"Of course. I actually had pulled it out for you a little while ago. Where did it go?" Humfrey closed his eyes in concentration as he tried to remember, and suddenly they opened wide and he said "Ha! I remember!"

"Great." Draco said dryly. That earned him a smack from Hermione. "Hey!" He complained quietly.

"At least it wasn't a punch." Hermione hissed back, a clear reference to when she punched his face in their third year.

"Here they are!" Humfrey dramatically waved them in the air, and handed both of them to Hermione.

"Thank you." Hermione said and they began to leave.

"Hold on one more thing." Humfrey added.

"Yes?" Draco said as they turned around.

"Please don't get up to any...funny business in your dorm. When I decided you two would dorm together it was under the sole reason so you can collaborate on your duties and be closer to the center of the school. I'm all for you two having fun together but please don't do it until you're out of Hogwarts."

"Oh we have no intentions of doing anything like that together." Hermione assured as her cheeks began to turn a light pink color.

"Whatever you say. Have a good night." Humfrey shooed them out.

Hermione thought he didn't have any common sense so long as he thought that her and Malfoy could ever be together. But little did she know, Humfrey could see something blossoming between the two that nobody else could. At least...not yet.

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