Chapter forty four*

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"Today's the day." Humfrey sighed to himself as he looked out at all of the students eating dinner.

The prison had been created, the best of the best witches and wizards were prepared for the fight which was to occur in about an hour. Harry Potter demanded to be included, as did Draco Malfoy and Humfrey didn't have the heart to tell them no. How could he after all that they've been through together?

The familiar sound of benches scraping the floor occurred as students got up to leave. Hermione and Draco were eating in their dorm since Hermione still didn't feel comfortable eating with so many people around her. Professor McGonagall was reading books of very advanced spells, and gazed out the window. The sun was slowly sinking in the sky. 

"Come. It's time." Humfrey gestured to the people chosen to help and led the way to the dorm. Draco opened the portrait from the inside and let everyone in. "You know what to do." He nodded to Professor McGonagall and she went upstairs to ensure the prison was still working and ready. Everyone followed, and Draco gently nudged Hermione up the stairs as she didn't budge since all of the people came in.

"Hey. It'll be okay. We won't let anything happen to you." Draco whispered as they made their way up the stairs. Hermione merely nodded and took deep breaths to calm herself.

"As you know, we will put up the enchantments to contain them in this room the second they get here. It won't last indefinitely, but should give us a little time to at least trap some of them." Kingsley began.

"Remember we have two people per each of them. Be smart with your attacks and watch each other's backs." Humfrey reminded.

"Don't get over ambitious either. Remember our goal is to trap them. We can't kill them." Professor McGonagall said.

"It's time." Harry announced as he came into the room and closed the door. "The sun has almost completely set."

"Take your positions. Don't forget to communicate who you're going for." Kingsley reminded.

They all took their positions in the shadows of her room and Hermione sat down on her bed. She wasn't supposed to attack or move unless she was being directly targeted. The goal was to take all the attention off of Hermione. Her heart raced faster with every passing second and she saw them. They approached her bed from one of the sides of the room in a v formation.

"Now!" Kingsley yelled and everyone came out of the shadows and attacked.

Chaos immediately ensued and Hermione watched in shock as so many spells went flying. But there was not only six of them, but seven. Nobody seemed to notice this but her. This other man approached her and took off his mask. It was Theodore Nott. She had been told he was in prison.

A.N. There is some sexual harassment here. If you're uncomfortable with it, skip to the next bolded line.

Hermione's chest tightened and she seemed to forget how to breathe. Her heart froze and a dreadful feeling spread all throughout her body. Still, nobody else had noticed as they were all occupied with their own targets, and Hermione couldn't scream. She couldn't move either.

"I missed you." Theodore smirked. He was so calm despite all of the commotion around them. He took a few more steps until he was just about to touch her. She got up from the bed and slowly backed towards her closet.

"S-stop." Hermione gasped out. Her wand in her hand was shaking and she couldn't make it stop.

"But we're going to have so much fun." He forced her past the door into the dark closet.

"Get off of me." Hermione felt the tears coming as she feebly tried to push him off.

"No I'm okay right where I am." He leaned down and began to force off her shirt.

Hermione felt her voice again and screamed for the only person she could think of. "Draco!"

"You stupid little girl. Nobody can hear you. Now stay silent." He covered her mouth with a hand and pressed his body against hers, his other wandering and grasping where he wanted under the few articles of clothing she still had on.

Hermione could feel tears flowing out of her eyes and suddenly lost focus of the room. She could see all of the other times he's done this to her. But through all of this she could see Draco's face and everything he's told her. "So beautiful" he whispered. "I care about you..." But she couldn't bring herself to fight back. Her body didn't obey what her mind was screaming for.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Draco, but in real life. He punched and forced Theodore off of her and she watched in shock as the two began to fight. It looked like one of the people from the coven had been forced into the prison and another was trying to get the enchantments down. The other four were preoccupied in their own fights.

Draco and Theodore punched each other on the floor, each one gaining control for just a moment before losing it again. It had looked like Theodore was holding something in his hand, but Hermione couldn't be sure. Draco pushed Theodore away and got back on his feet, whipping out his wand.

"If you touch her again!" Draco threatened, as he cast spell after spell at the person he used to call a friend.

"You'll do what? Insult me? You've gone weak Draco." Theodore shouted back, casting his own share of spells.

"You're the weak one." Draco felt a fire raging inside him unlike he's ever experienced before. Every spell he released was stronger than the last, but Theodore didn't seem fazed. He seemed to enjoy spiting Draco.

"Let's go!" One of them yelled. They had broken the enchantment. The remaining formed a circle back to back, still attacking the others. Just before they disapparated, both Draco and Theodore shot a last spell. Theodore's pained expression could be seen right before they vanished.

"Hermione?" Draco rushed to her. She looked at him oddly, still in shock of what just happened. "Are you okay?" He took off his robe and wrapped it around her to cover her exposed skin.

"You protected me. Just like you said you would." Hermione whispered.

"I should've gotten to you sooner. He-he touched you." Draco's fist balled up and he shook with rage.

"You're bleeding." Hermione gasped. It was then that she noticed the diagonal cuts in his shirt and the blood spreading out from each one.

"I guess I am. He brought a knife but I don't think he got me too bad. I'm fine." Draco said carelessly.

"Is everyone else okay?" Hermione looked around the room.

"Minerva?" Humfrey knelt down next to the sitting Professor who had leaned back on the wall with her head hanging in front of her.

"Oh don't worry about me I'm fine. Just a little exhausted. Where's Hermione?" Professor McGonagall pushed herself off of the ground and came over to the bed.

"I'm here." Hermione said quietly.

"Did he-"

"Draco protected me." Hermione said before she finished the question.

"Not fully." Draco muttered and looked away angrily.

"How can someone so horrible - so vile -" Professor McGonagall's eyes glinted with rage and she shook her head disdainfully.

"I think it is time we take our leave. I'm going to bring this one back to the ministry" Kingsley gestured to the one that was trapped in the prison.

"Thank you." said Humfrey.

"Let us know if they make another appearance." Kingsley nodded in farewell, and everyone from the ministry left.

"We should be getting back to our other responsibilities. Let's leave them alone." Chris said gently. Madam Maxime followed his lead, as did Humfrey leaving Harry, Draco, and Professor McGonagall in the room.

"I'll leave too." Professor McGonagall healed Draco's wounds, and exited the room. She could sense the three needed to talk and left them, hoping that Hermione would be able to mend the relationship between Harry and Draco.

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