Chapter twenty*

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"Hermione? Hermione wake up" Harry pleaded. Hermione's consciousness had been in and out. Madam Pomfrey had levitated Hermione onto a stretcher and was murmuring spells as they rushed to the empty hospital wing, leaving Theodore behind who was trying to say it was all an accident. The returning students who were friends with Hermione tried to rush over, but the Professors were keeping them back in their seats.

"Hermione come on. Please hang in there. Stay with us." Draco grasped onto her fragile hand.  He'd never tell her while she was conscious, but he did care for a friend of course. 

Hermione began to cough up blood, and Madam Pomfrey instructed them to turn her on her side. Her vision had weaved in and out. But finally it stayed out permanently, and her body went limp.

The moment Hermione was down on the bed, Madam Pomfrey made them move aside and set up a magical chart to record Hermione's vitals. Blood began to leak to the floor as Madam Pomfrey worked. As soon as she patched one part of the body, another part began to cause problems. After what seemed like ages, the elderly healer stepped back satisfied.

"Everything looks stable and she's breathing all right on her own, and I cleared the blood from her lungs and repaired that. It seems she's entered into a coma but she will hopefully wake up soon. She's a tough witch. One more thing, you can come back in a moment but can you two boys exit for a little bit so Minerva and I can change her into hospital clothes?"

"Sure." Harry nodded and he led the way out with Draco close behind. As soon as the door closed, the two women began to converse.

"This feels just like when she was in her second year." Professor McGonagall sighed.

"It's always the innocent ones." Madam Pomfrey shook her head disdainfully. "Whatever will you do with that Theodore boy?"

"What can I do?" Professor McGonagall asked dryly. "He claims it was an accident and there's no way to prove otherwise."

"He better slip up about that soon. There's no way he could've lost control of his broom that much to hit her with such force." 

"Accidents do happen Poppy. But you may not be far off from the truth. There's a strange feeling I've been having this year and I don't like it."

"I've been feeling it too. Like something bad is going to happen."

"Let's hope the worst has come to pass." Professor McGonagall looked down at the young witch she had grown so fond of. Almost like a daughter to her.

"I suppose we should call the boys back in." Madam Pomfrey went out for a moment to let them back in, and went over to her office.

Professor McGonagall had to return to her deputy headmistress duties, and left the two students to attend to their friend.

"I don't like you Malfoy." Harry commented after a few moments of silence.

"I know. I was really stupid and immature. Still probably am." Draco shrugged. "Can't change the way you were raised."

"You can't blame everything on your parents."

"That's what everyone's been saying." Draco shook off the thoughts looming in his mind about his father, and double checked that the glamour charm was still working fine on him.

"Wait a second." Harry frowned. Draco looked down and they watched in shock as scars began to appear on Hermione. There were faint bruises too.

"Madam Pomfrey?" Draco called.

"What is it?" She bustled out of her office and nudged them aside. "Oh my...boys out. Now. And get Minerva."

"But what's it fro-"

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