Chapter nineteen*

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Beauxbatons was first for tryouts. They'd go first, Durmstrang was to go after lunch, and the returning students after dinner. Hogwarts had gone the day before as there wasn't enough time in the day to do all four. Each of the meals would be earlier in the day than usual to leave daylight for the last part of tryouts. Both the boys and girls in their pale blue uniforms walked gracefully down to the pitch.

"If you're here to try out, please make sure you have your broom, application form, and move to the other side of the pitch. If not, please take a seat in the stands. Remember, Beauxbatons is first." Madam Hooch magnified her voice so all could hear. She had been given specific instructions from each headmaster as to what drills to pace each school through, and when to go back to consult with the headmaster. Each school had different things they wanted to see from their students.

"Madam Hooch?" Hermione approached the Professor who quite frankly still scared her a little bit.

"Yes? Oh right! Okay sit down right here and I'll show you what we'll be doing." She patted the bench beside her and whipped out a long piece of parchment. After a brief discussion, they began the drills. Madam Maxime furiously scribbled down notes about each student, and once each student went through the first three tasks, Madam Hooch and Hermione went back to consult with her.

"Well you see..." Madam Maxime had clearly set many aside as to who she had already eliminated. From the large group that started, she had successfully cut it down to half the size. Then that was followed by cutting that down by half. Eventually she was left with 30 players to choose from.

"She'll eliminate sixteen now I believe. And will mix and match different teams before deciding the final seven and maybe an alternate or two." Madam Hooch said quietly to Hermione. None were particularly standing out aside from a sixth year girl and seventh year guy.

After another grueling hour of trials, Madam Maxime was content with her notes and the Beauxbatons tryouts were ended. Clarissa, their school's champion, came out to watch but gossiped with her friends the whole time. She seemed to have no interest in Quidditch.

"Hermione!" Draco looked up surprised as Hermione slumped into her seat beside him eat lunch. The only time she ever looked this tired was as she studied for the final exams.

"Why do you play quidditch? It's so exhausting. And I don't even have to interact with any of the balls." Hermione sighed.

"You get used to it." He laughed. "Now eat some food. You're going to need more energy for today." He scooped some things from the food line at the front of the table onto her plate, and pushed it in front of her.

"Thanks." Hermione smiled and began to eat.

"I watched you out there. You flew well." Draco commented.

"Don't lie to me. I felt like I was about to fall off half the time." Hermione snorted.

"I'm not though. You're a pretty solid flier. I did teach you after all." 

"Oh shut up." 

The Durmstrang table was already getting up to head off towards the pitch, while the Beauxbatons table fluttered with gossip as to who probably made the team.

"I better go." Hermione stood up with a plate still half full, seeing the Headmasters were already on their way out and Madam Hooch was nowhere to be seen.

"You didn't finish." Draco protested.

"I'll be fine."

"Bye." Draco waved and got up to follow the Headmasters to their Quidditch stand.

"Ms. Granger I've been looking for you." Madam Hooch snapped.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize what time it was." Hermione apologized.

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