Chapter fifty nine

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A.N. sorry for the late update! I really appreciate all of you who are reading this book, and hope you enjoy the update! After my school finals, I should have more time to write. Be ready for more updates!

In a dark room with no windows, Hermione sat helplessly in the furthest corner away from the door. With tears in her eyes, she pulled the rags he gave her tighter around herself. What a Christmas this is shaping up to be, she thought grimly. For that matter, she didn't even know if it was still Christmas. It could've been hours, or even days that she was kept there.

Pansy Parkinson had paid her a visit after she had arrived and again a while after that. She gleefully disclosed the plans to invade Azkaban and beat Hermione until she felt satisfied. Hermione refused to shed a single tear, which only made Parkinson angrier. Theodore had stopped by her cell three times already, and did with her what he wanted.

The more she thought about it, Hermione got angrier and angrier. How dare they treat her like this? What happened to the fight she used to have in her? She didn't even try to resist anymore. And what was she waiting for? Draco to burst through the doors, and save the day? It was unrealistic, and if they really were planning an assault on Azkaban, Draco would be there. Who said she couldn't save herself? Hermione got up and grit her teeth as her whole body ached.

Upon arrival, Theodore had taken her wand away, but he forgot she was a talented witch. Even she forgot that about herself. She could use wandless magic. Hermione winced as she walked over to the door, and pressed her ear to it. She heard footsteps approaching, and scrambled to the back corner as quickly as she could. She had a plan.

"Granger." Theodore's cold voice came echoing through the door, and he unlocked it. "Come here, my little pet." he sneered.

Hermione dragged herself along the floor towards him, and he kicked her in the stomach.

"Looks like someone knows their owner now." he closed the door behind him and locked it.


Theodore lowered himself to her eye level, and she saw the lust in his eyes. "Let's have a little fun with this shall we?" he taunted. "Or maybe we can just get to it."

"You win," Hermione whispered. "I give up."

"Imperio." Theodore cast the spell on her. "Dance for me."

Hermione did as she was told.

"Now take off your rags. Slowly."  Theodore added.

Again, Hermione did as she was told, and stood before him completely exposed. There was nothing left that felt like hers. Even her mind wasn't her own anymore.

Theodore walked up to her, and smashed his lips into hers. Under the curse, she was forced to kiss back, and do exactly what he wanted. She felt a tear slip from her eyes as he continued, and he seemed to enjoy it more once she was crying.

"Nott!" someone banged on the door.

"What?" He growled.

"We got back half an hour ago. You need to talk to them."

"Fine. I'm coming." Theodore put his clothes back on. He firmly gripped the bottom of her chin and tilted her eyes up to his. His menacing black eyes stared her down. "I'll be back later." He turned on his heel, and left the room swiftly.


Hermione heard the lock of the door behind him, and walked up to the door once more.

"Come with me Bullstrode. She's not going anywhere anytime soon." Theodore commanded.

Hermione heard their footsteps fade, and took a deep breath. Theodore had ripped the rags off her, so she had to tie knots so it covered as much of her as she could manage. She took a deep breath, and trembled as she reached out her hand towards the door. "Alohamora" she whispered. It clicked, and she opened the door.

She looked both ways and found that she was in what appeared to be a basement, or a cellar of sorts. Carefully, she closed the door quietly behind her, and chose to go right first since that's the direction Theodore went. The exit must be that way. Every step she took was excruciating, but she continued on. She had to find her wand. To her astonishment, it was in the room directly to the right of the one where she was being kept. It wasn't even protected by a spell or anything. Unfortunately, her dress was nowhere to be found. She couldn't remember what happened to it. Theodore had knocked her out the second they got out of sight from everyone else.

With newfound hope, Hermione continued down the hall. She was a brilliant witch, and could best most people in a duel. In her weakened state, she wasn't very confident, and realized that probably all of the old death eaters were back and in the house she was in. She came upon stairs that led upwards and used every ounce of strength she had left as she dragged herself up. 

Thankfully, nobody was at the top of the stairs and she emerged into a hallway. Her heartbeat was out of control and she nervously continued down the hall, her wand at the ready. She could not believe how easy it was. There were only a few guards she had encountered so far, and she silently cast a spell to knock them all out. She tiptoed past a room that she heard voices coming from, and found the front door. No alarm went off when she opened it, and stumbled out into the open.

She didn't recognize her surroundings and wasn't able to apparate away. There were protective enchantments, and she realized she would need to get to the street across the large lawn. Stumbling, she put one foot in front of the other and she trembled with the prospect of being free. Free from his grasp. She was almost there, but then an alarm went off. They realized she was gone.

"GRANGER!" Theodore bellowed, and appeared in the doorway of the house. A few more steps. He led others in a race to get her, and they cast spells at her. One hit her back, and she felt excruciating pain. The impact threw her onto the street, and her head slammed onto the ground. She closed her eyes, envisioning where she wanted to go. And then she was gone.

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