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A/N: I do not own Teen Wolf or Supernatural!!!!!!!

Stiles opened his eyes to see the sky above him. He squinted his eyes and sat up looking around him. He was in the middle of a field and he was leaning against a huge tree. He saw no people and heard no one, all he could feel was tiredness. He frowned not knowing why he didn't feel pain anymore. He was in hell so why didn't he feel the pain of it? His eyes then felt heavy and he slowly closed them. He heard a sound but it sounded distant. It was the sound of wings.


Castiel found Stiles under a tree that was created once Stiles was dragged out of hell. Castiel bent down in front of Stiles and tilted his head looking at the broken boy in sympathy.

"It's alright Stiles. I'll get you to your father." He said even though Stiles was sleeping. Castiel put his hand on Stiles' shoulder and all of a sudden Stiles was on the couch in the bunker while Castiel bent down next to him. The Winchester brothers heard wings and walking over into the room Castiel was in.

"Cas what are you doing-" Dean paused when he and Sam saw the boy on the couch. 

"Who's this?" Sam asked as Castiel stood up and they walked over to stand beside him.

"This is Stiles," Castiel said Dean was going to asked a question but stopped himself when he saw something on Stiles' waist just under his shirt. Dean cursed then leaned forward lifting Stiles shirt slightly to see the handprint scar on his side.

"So why did you pull this boy out of hell Cas?" Sam asked Castiel sighed then bent down next to the boy again. He put his hand on Stiles' cheek. 

"Because it's dangerous for Winchester's to be in hell." Stiles stirred slightly but didn't wake up. They both looked at each other then back at Castiel and the boy with open mouths.

"We have another brother?" Sam asked Castiel stood looking at Sam and Dean. 

"No Sam he's your nephew," Castiel said making them both go wide-eyed.

"What?!" They both yelled making Stiles once again stir. This time he spoke but he didn't wake up.

"Derek." He said as he started to breathe heavily. All three looked at the boy and frowned. "Stop... please don't hurt him..." Stiles whispered Dean bent down in front of him.

"He's your son Dean. His name is Mieczyslaw or Stiles. He's 18 years old and sold his soul to... bring back friends he thinks he killed." Cas said as the boy lay who on the couch shook his head. "He won't remember anything but a man named Derek I assume. Just his own name, the man's face, and his name." Cas said then the boy shot up eyes wide and looking around the room.

"Stiles it's alright. You're safe." Sam said in a soft tone trying to calm the boy. He just backed away from them all and breathed heavily. 

"Who are you?" He said his voice was raw and had only been used for screaming for the past he can't even remember.

"Stiles my name is Sam this is my brother Dean and this is Castiel. We just pulled you out of hell." Sam says and Stiles nods then winced. He put a hand on his left side and winced again. 

"Are you okay Stiles?" Dean asked stepping toward the boy who nodded.

"Yeah, my side just hurts a lot." He said then lifted his shirt to see a scar in the shape of a handprint. "What the-" Stiles was cut off by Cas.

"That's where I grabbed you to pulled you out of hell. Dean has one as well." Cas said making Stiles look up at Dean nodded then lifted his short sleeve on his shirt to reveal a scar just like Stiles'. 

"Like father like son," Sam muttered but Stiles heard it and frowned.

"Father?" He asked and Dean nodded Stiles looked away not knowing what to do. 

"And Sam's your uncle," Cas said making the brothers glare at him while he just looked at them confused.

"So you knew me before I died?" Stiles asked but Dena shook his head then sat beside the boy. 

"No, I just figured out I had a son. We don't know anything about you but you'll remember eventually." Dean said making Stiles nod hesitantly.

"I know all about him." They all turned to see Gabriel staring at Stiles. He walked over to Stiles and gave him a small smile. "Stiles, my name is Gabriel. Can you tell me everything you remember?" Gabriel asked and Stiles nodded.

"I remember what happened to me in hell. I remember my name and... a man. His name was Derek... he was a werewolf." Stiles said looking up at Gabriel who nodded while the brothers frowned. "You said you know all about me. Why did I go to hell?" Stiles asked Gabriel agreed then sat down beside the boy.

"You know about werewolves? Anything else?" Gabriel asked and Stiles nodded. 

"I don't know how I know but I know of kitsunes, kanimas, werecoyotes, wendigos, berserkers, werejaguars, and more," Stiles said making Sam and Dean frown.

"The the hells a kanima?" Dean asked making Stiles look up at him. 

"When you're bitten by a werewolf the shape you take reflex's who you are. So there was this jerk, Jackson, he wanted the bite and when he got it his body rejected it and he became a kanima..." Stiles looked at the floor with wide eyes as he saw flashes of the kanima and Jackson. "Jackson... I remember!" Stiles said excitedly but then his face fell. "Why did I have to remember him?" Stiles said frowning and looking to the group in front of him. 

"You're starting to remember bits at a time," Gabriel said and Stiles looked away from them.


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