If I Stay

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Castiel ran into the war room where Dean, Sam, and Gabriel sat. He was wide-eyed and trying to speak but couldn't. Dean stood up and walked over to him.

"What's wrong Cas?" Dean asked putting a hand on Castiel's shoulder. 

"It's Claire. She's praying to me." Cas said looking at them with sad eyes. "Stiles and Theo are with them. Somethings wrong. Someone's hurt." Cas said they all immediately felt this worry. Worry about whether it was Theo... or Stiles.

"Take me to Jody's, now!" Dean yelled holding out his hand for Castiel who nodded taking it and they disappeared.

"Me too Gabe. Please." Sam said Gabriel nodded putting his hand on the younger Winchester's shoulder and they disappeared.


"What happened?!" Dean yelled when he and Castiel appeared. Sam and Gabriel came seconds later. 

Dean stopped seeing Stiles holding Theo's body in his arms. Silent tears fell from his face as he ran his hands through the chimeras hair. 

"Why'd he have to go daddy? I didn't want him to go." Stiles said between sobs. 

Sam put his hand over his mouth, Gabriel looked away, Castiel's mouth dropped to the floor, and Dean struggled to say something to comfort his son.

"I-I'm so sorry Stiles," Dean said Stiles looked down at Theo and put his hand on the chimeras cheek before kissing his forehead. 

"Come back. You hear me Raeken you have to come back!" Stiles yelled his own tears falling onto Theo's closed eyes.

"Stiles you have to let him go." Dean tried but Stiles shook his head taking Theo's hand in his own and squeezing it. Believing he would feel the chimera squeeze back. Hoping. Praying. He would come back. 

"Please don't go," Stiles whispered into Theo's ear.

"I'm not going anywhere, Winchester." Stiles' eyes widened and he pulled back just as his hand was squeezed back. "Crying over me are we?" Theo said looking up into Stiles' eyes. 

Everyone gasped at the site of the boy who had just died. Stiles let out another sob before bringing the chimera into a bone-crushing hug.

"Holy fuck don't you ever do that again," Stiles said pulling away from the hug. He stood up helping Theo as well. 

"How the hell-?" Sam cut himself off not really sure what else to say.

"I don't know," Theo said lifting his shirt to see his stomach had no evidence that a wound was ever there. They all looked at him in awe, shock, but mostly confusion.

"Glad you're back," Dean said putting a hand on Theo's shoulder who smiled at him.


"You seriously don't know who or even how?" Gabriel asked when they got back to the bunker. They stood in the war room all staring at Theo. 

"All I remember is dying in Stiles' arms. Then darkness, then a bright light, then Stiles voice begging me to come back." Theo said taking a breath because he knew the next part was weird. "The next part is weird. I saw a man he smiled at me then put his hand on my shoulder. Then he said 'Stiles doesn't know it yet but he's very powerful. That's why you aren't going to die Theo.'" Theo said looking up at the hunters and angels confused. "Why did he say that? Are you not human Stiles?" Theo asked but before Stiles could answer he asked more questions. "Did you bring me back without knowing Stiles?" They asked and they all looked at Stiles who gave him an 'are you serious' kind of look.

"You expect me to know if I brought you back without knowing?" Stiles said narrowing his eyes at the chimera. 

"Alright, let's just calm down. Theo, what did this man look like?" Sam said looking at Theo who rubbed his chin.

"Um... uh, short, stubble, had this weird smile, brown hair... that's about it." Theo said they all thought for a moment but no one could think of anything. 

"Okay, you get some sleep, both of you," Dean said looking at Stiles when he finished his sentence. Stiles huffed walking past Theo. "Oh, and you're grounded for taking my car," Dean said making Stiles mouth drop and his brows knit together in frustration. Theo snickered at Stiles who glared at him. "You're ground too," Dean said pointing at Theo who made a sound of frustration.

"You can't do that! You're not my dad!" Theo said his fists balled up like he was going to punch someone. 

"As long as you live in this bunker I'm allowed to do whatever I want. You don't leave the bunker for five days." Dena said making the two boys want to challenge him but they were silenced and sent to their rooms.

"I hate to say Dean-o here is good at something but... you're actually a good dad," Gabriel said as they all sat with beer at the war table. 

"Thanks, Gabriel," Dean said then took a swig of his beer. 

Just as they were getting into conversation Castiel's vision got blurry. His eyes got heavy and he lay his head down on the table.


Theo and Stiles lay side by side on Stiles bed staring up at the ceiling. Stiles had these thoughts in his head about his past. He always thought the pack wouldn't like him anymore. 

That they wouldn't want him. Theo knew Stiles was having these thoughts just by how his heart was beating fast, his chemo signals were nervous, fear, confusion, and a hint of anger.

"Stop thinking about it." Theo finally said making Stiles sit up and move so he was leaning against the headboard as hugging his knees. 

"I can't. I feel like they'll never want me again. I feel like Derek won't want me again." Stiles said Theo sighed sitting up and facing Stiles.

"He will I promise. What's more likely to happen is you get your man and I get stuck lonely forever because Liam doesn't want me." Theo said hugging his knees as well. Stiles frowned shaking his head at the chimera. 

"No, he totally likes you," Stiles said but Theo just shook his head. Stiles thought for a moment then smiled.

"You know what. I have a plan." He said shifting so his legs were now cris-cross and he looked into Theo's eyes. "I know you've told me about going back to Beacon Hills so if you do go back before I do, then you better ask Liam out," Stiles said narrowing his eyes at Theo.

"If I don't?" Theo said also moving so he was sitting cris-cross like Stiles. 

"Then... Ah, because I know he likes you back. I'll give you a look and you'll either tell me you did or didn't by nodding yes or no. If no then kiss me in front of them. He'll get jealous, get in between us and boom you have your man." Stiles said flailing his arms a bit to get his point across.

"And how will you deal with Derek ripping my head off?" Theo asked making Stiles frown. 

"I'll- he- I...." Stiles needed to think for a moment. When Theo was about to say something Stiles put his hand up to silence him.

"I won't let him. I promise you aren't dying again." Stiles said smiling at the boy who chuckled. 

"Alright, I like that agreement," Theo said smiling fondly at Stiles.

"So... if I stay, I'll hunt with you guys and see you. If I go, I'll be with Liam and the pack. I don't know what to do."

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